To theAFENET Conference welcome

The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) in collaboration with the Kenya Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program is organizing the 8th AFENET Scientific Conference to be held in Mombasa from 5-10 November 2023. This year’s conference is under the theme “Strengthening Public Health Systems in Africa Towards Enhanced Global Health Security: The Role of Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programs”.

The conference provides a platform for the Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP) residents, graduates, the regional and global public health community as well as multi-lateral agencies to share experiences in field epidemiology and other facets of global health security.

Residents and graduates of FELTPs in Africa (Advanced, Intermediate, and Frontline) are invited to submit abstracts through their Program Directors/Resident Advisors. FELTP faculty members as well as other public health professionals with scientific work that is in line with the conference theme/sub-themes are also invited to submit abstracts.

Conference Themes and Subthemes

The theme for the 8th AFENET Scientific Conference is “Strengthening Public Health Systems in Africa Towards Enhanced Global Health Security. The Role of Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programs.” Subthemes are drawn from various topics that affect public health and health security as shown below.

  • Emerging and re-emerging threats with pandemic potential e.g., COVID 19, Ebola Virus Disease,
  • Outbreak Preparedness, Investigation and Response
  • Point of Entry Surveillance and Cross border collaborations
  • Refugee and Internally Displaced Person’s health issues
  • Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strengthening, analysis and evaluation
  • Other public health surveillance system assessments and evaluation
  • Polio and Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance
  • Measles and Rubella Surveillance
  • Recently introduced vaccines in developing countries e.g., COVID 19, nOPV2, IPV, Ebola Virus, Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Human Papilloma Virus, Yellow fever, Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines etc
  • Surveillance and control of other Vaccine Preventable Diseases
  • Healthcare delivery and prevention models for HIV/AIDS including Antiretroviral therapy, PMTCT /EMTCT, Key/Priority Populations
  • Tuberculosis including drug resistant TB.
  • Other opportunistic infections and malignancies
  • Malaria
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases
  • Other Vector Borne Diseases
  • Cardiovascular Health (Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases)
  • Cancers
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Road traffic injuries and occupational health/hazards
  • Substance abuse and mental health
  • Chronic rrespiratory illness
  • Sexual and Reproductive health including maternal and obstetric health, family planning, antenatal and postnatal care
  • Adolescent health
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Biosafety and Biosecurity issues
  • Other laboratory system strengthening initiatives.
  • Avian influenza, Zika, Rift Valley Feverand other Zoonotic disease surveillance and response
  • Innovations for one health approach in surveillance and outbreak response
  • Pollution and environmental impact on public health
  • Climate action, Global warming
  • Ecosystem protection and rewilding
  • Climate adaptation and mitigation
  • Public Health Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance
  • Health Policy and Leadership
  • Human Resources for Health including Workforce capacity building and development.
  • Health Financing
  • National Institutes of Public Health Initiatives
  • Innovations in monitoring & evaluation, knowledge management, data use, and reporting
  • Medical Products and Technology
  • e-Surveillance and e-Health
  • Public Health Informatics
  • Digital Health/Telehealth

AFENET about

The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) is a not-for-profit networking and service organization dedicated to improving health outcomes of the communities we serve in liaison with ministries of health and other partners. Strengthening capacity for public health preparedness and response through Field Epidemiology (and Laboratory) Training Programs {FE(L)TPs}, and other applied epidemiology training programs is one of our core activities.

Established in 2005 with our Secretariat in Kampala, Uganda, we have presence in over 40 countries and at least 700 personnel in various locations.


Date: November 5th to 10th, 2023

Location: Pride Inn Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya

Event: 8th AFENET Conference

Join us for a compelling panel discussion as we shine a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of women in shaping the landscape of public health across Africa. These esteemed panelists, hailing from diverse corners of the continent, have blazed trails, pioneered innovations, and fueled transformative change within their respective fields. From community-centered conservation initiatives to groundbreaking epidemic preparedness efforts, these remarkable women have redefined leadership and ignited progress.

Through engaging discourse, personal anecdotes, and visionary insights, our panelists will delve into the multifaceted dimensions of women's roles in public health. Their journeys serve as inspirations, guiding the way for aspiring health professionals and leaders to make lasting impacts.

Mark your calendars for this illuminating event at the Pride Inn Hotel in the captivating city of Mombasa, Kenya. Let's celebrate the resilience, brilliance, and dedication of women in public health during the 8th AFENET Conference, taking place from November 5th to 10th, 2023. Your presence will enrich the dialogue and contribute to fostering a future where women's contributions in public health continue to flourish.

Agendaof the event schedule


time iconNovember 5, 2023 08:00

Pre Conference Workshops

  • FETP Quality Assurance:  Evaluation/Accreditation/AFENET Star Rating System/ReDPeTT Learn more
  • GPS Sample- a new rapid offline Android sampling tool Learn more
  • The Art and Science of Peer Review Learn more
  • Advanced FETP NCD Case Study: An Epidemiological Study to Examine Stroke Hospitalizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Learn more
  • Mortality Surveillance Learn more
  • Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicological Outbreak Investigation Pre-workshop Training Learn more
  • Early Action Reviews: Planning and Implementation of the 7-1-7 Target for Timely Detection, Notification and Response to Outbreaks Learn more
  • Aligning Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) to one health approach in Epidemic Preparedness and Response (EPR) Learn more
  • Strengthening the One Health Approach in Field Epidemiology Training Programmes Learn more
  • West Africa Health Organization Consultative Workshop on Drafting the Regional Field Epidemiology Workforce Development  Strategic Plan Learn more
time iconNovember 6, 2023 08:30

Opening Ceremony

time iconNovember 6, 2023 10:00

Tea Break

time iconNovember 6, 2023 10:30

Plenary Session 1: Public Health System Strengthening Initiative

Main Auditorium

Moderators:  Dr Suzanne Kiwanuka

Venue: Main Auditorium

10:30 - 10:55: Building a Fit-for-Purpose Public Health Workforce to Counter the Next Public Health Threat 
Presenter: Dr Raji Tajudeen 

10:55 - 11:20: The New Global Field Epidemiology Partnership and Its Strategy
Presenter: Dr Carl Reddy

11:20 - 11:40: Sustaining the gains of Field Epidemiology for Enhanced Global Health Security
Presenter: Dr Kip Baggett

speaker headshot Dr Raji Tajudeen
Building a Fit-for-Purpose Public Health Workforce to Counter the Next Public Health Threat
speaker headshot Dr Carl Reddy
The New Global Field Epidemiology Partnership and Its Strategy
speaker headshot Dr Kip Baggett
Sustaining the gains of Field Epidemiology for Enhanced Global Health Security
time iconNovember 6, 2023 11:45

Concurrent Oral Session 1 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr Julie Haris
Evaluators: Gildo Okure / Joseph Frimpong

11:45 - 11:55: OP412: Cholera Outbreak following a Wedding Party in Kiambu, Central Kenya
Presenter: Sarafina Sikwata

11:55 - 12:05: OP468: Cholera Outbreak in Special Institutions Machakos County, Kenya,2022
Presenter: Serah Nchoko

12:05 - 12:15: OP659: Outbreak of Foodborne Illness associated with Pentobarbital contaminated Horse Meat- Havana Informal Settlement, Windhoek, Namibia, April 2020
Presenter: Monika Amunyela

12:15 - 12:25: OP696: Prevalence and trends of Typhoid fever in East Mamprusi District, 2022
Presenter: Adam Anas

12:25 - 12:35: OP557: A prolonged outbreak of enteric fever associated with illegal miners in the City of Matlosana, South Africa, November 2020 – September 2022
Presenter: Phuti Given Sekwadi

12:35 - 12:45: OP230: Epidemiological investigation of food poisoning outbreak, Kenema District, Sierra Leone, 2022
Presenter: Alhaji Mamoud Conteh

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 11:45

Concurrent Oral Session 1 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator:  Dr Alex Ario Riolexus
Evaluators: Alain Magazani / Joseph Babalola

11:45 - 11:55: OP162: Ebola Virus Disease Spread by Super-spreaders in Uganda, 2022
Presenter: Allan Komakech

11:55 - 12:05: OP303: Rift Valley Fever outbreak in Sembabule District, December 2021
Presenter: Freda Loy Aceng

12:05 - 12:15: OP391: Épidémie de fièvre de Lassa importée à la clinique privée de Gbessia dans la région de Conakry, août 2022
Presenter: Lamah Vokpo

12:15 - 12:25: OP469: Investigation approfondie autour d’un cas confirmé de Fièvre Jaune dans le District Sanitaire de Gazaoua, région de Maradi, Niger, 2023
Presenter: Issiakou Aboubakar Gandou

12:25 - 12:35: OP5: Investigation d’une fièvre hémorragique de Crimée Congo chez les animaux dans la région de Saint-Louis, Sénégal, en 2022.
Presenter: Evariste Jean-Christophe Togut Bassene

12:35 - 12:45: OP813: Investigation des cas de dengue dans le district de Dikhil, Djibouti, Novembre 2021
Abdallah Houssein Ismael

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 11:45

Concurrent Oral Session 1 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr Gina Samaan
Evaluators: Doreen Gonahasa / Joseph Otshudi

11:45 - 11:55: OP524: Measles case investigation in Lumezi district in Eastern Zambia, January 2023
Presenter: Daliso Ngulube

11:55 - 12:05: OP674: Descriptive epidemiology and response to diphtheria outbreak in Nigeria, 2022 – 2023
Presenter: Bola Biliaminu Lawal

12:05 - 12:15: OP578: Investigation d’une épidémie de rougeole dans la région de Tillaberi, Niger du 30 janvier au 12 mai 2022
Presenter: Abdoulaye Goubakoye

12:15 - 12:25: OP398: Profil épidémiologique de la rougeole dans le département de la Donga, Bénin, 2017 à 2021
Presenter: Sanni Salifou-Issaka

12:25 - 12:35: OP358: Investigation des Cas de Rougeole à l’Hôpital Balbala Cheiko, Djibouti, Juin 2022
Presenter: Ahmed Rouffa Aballah

12:35 - 12:45: OP353: Measles Outbreak Investigation among Anti-Vaccination Religious Communities in Sinazongwe and Pemba Districts, Southern Province- Zambia, 2022
Presenter: Tebello Kolobe

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 11:45

Concurrent Oral Session 1 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Mr Samuel Assegid
Evaluators: Karimou Sani / Dr Shakir Balogun

11:45 - 11:55: OP361: Les prédicteurs de décès lié à la covid-19, à 30 jours d’hospitalisation dans la ville de Goma entre Mars 2020 – Septembre 2021
Presenter: Cosma Kajabika / Luberamihero

11:55 - 12:05: OP377: Predictors of Severe Covid-19 among Hospitalized Patients in Zambia, 2020-2021
Presenter: Oliver Mweso

12:05 - 12:15: OP415: Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients hospitalized at a central hospital in Harare, 2020-2022
Presenter: Linda Nyasha Kanzara

12:15 - 12:25: OP738: SARS-CoV-2 post-mortem testing of out-of-hospital natural deaths - Mangaung metropolitan area, Free State Province, South Africa - August 2020 to August 2022
Presenter: Brian Brummer

12:25 - 12:35: OP843: Factors associated with Mortality among Patients with Severe Covid-19 in Nairobi Metropolis, Kenya
Presenter: Charles Mulwa Muendo

12:35 - 12:45: OP852: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la maladie à Corona virus (Covid-19) dans la région de N’zérékoré, République de Guinée, novembre 2021
Presenter: Sira Helene GUILAVOGUI

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 13:00

Lunch Break

time iconNovember 6, 2023 14:00

Concurrent Poster Session 1: Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Prof Mamadou / Dr Joyce Wamicwe
Evaluators: Yaya Balayira / Ndeta Caren

14:00 - 14:05: PP64: Risk factors of mortality due to Covid -19 in the Tigray region of Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study
Presenter: Kissanet Tesfay Weldearegay

14:05 - 14:10: PP143: Prevalence and predictors of self-medication for COVID-19 among slum dwellers in Jinja City, Uganda
Presenter: Prossy Nakito

14:10 - 14:15: PP154: COVID-19 outbreak among refugees at Nyakabande Transit Centre, Kisoro District, Uganda, June–July 2022
Presenter: Peter Chris Kawungezi

14:15 - 14:20: PP240: Déterminants de l’acceptabilité de la vaccination contre la COVID-19, régions du Centre-Sud, Sud-Ouest, Centre-Ouest et Centre au Burkina Faso, juin 2022
Presenter: Aristide Compaoré

14:20 - 14:25: PP276: Health care workers knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards Coronavirus Disease 19 prevention and control during the pandemic in Tigray, Ethiopia
Presenter: Gebretsadik Berhe

14:25 - 14:30: PP319: Evaluation of Covid-19 Surveillance System in Ogun State, Nigeria: April 2020 – May 2021
Presenter: Adesoji Olatunde Odukoya

14:30 - 14:45: Questions and Answers

14:45 - 14.50: PP335: Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Influenza-Like Illness and Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Sentinel Surveillance System— Zambia, 2021-2022
Presenter: Grace Funsani

14:50 - 14:55: PP380: Facteurs associés à la gravité de la covid-19 chez les malades hospitalisés dans la ville de Goma, Mars 2020 et septembre 2021
Presenter: Cosma Kajabika Luberamihero

14:55 - 15:00: PP430: Investigation des cas de Covid -19 dans le district de Nongrémassom dans la région du Centre, Burkina Faso 2023
Presenter: Clarisse BALIMA

15:00 - 15:05: PP518: SARS-CoV-2 positivity test and associated factors in Karongi district, Rwanda: A cross-sectional study
Presenter: Jean Paul Niyomugabo

15:05 - 15:10: PP801: Descriptive Epidemiology of COVID-19 - Ayawaso West Municipal, Greater Accra, 2022
Presenter: Jennifer Nai-Dowetin

15:10 - 15:15: PP637: Epidemiology of Covid-19 deaths reported at Rundu Intermediate hospital, Kavango East region, Namibia, March 2021- March 2023
Presenter: Annety Kabuba Likando

15:15 - 15:30: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 14:00

Concurrent Poster Session 1: Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Prof Nicholas Meda
Evaluators: Celestine Ameh / Davis Ashabe

14:00 - 14:05: PP13: Analyse des données de surveillance de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift chez les humains en Mauritanie de 2011 à 2021
Presenter: Cheikh Zeini Abd El Jelil

14:05 - 14:10: PP235: Early evaluation of the alert system used during response to the Sudan Ebola Virus Outbreak, Mubende District, Uganda—2022
Presenter: Denis Okethwangu

14:10 - 14:15: PP383: High fatality of Lassa fever outbreak, Bo District, Sierra Leone, February 2023
Presenter: Hassan Swarray

14:15 - 14:20: PP410: Maladie à virus de Marburg : séroprévalence, facteurs associés, connaissances, attitudes et pratiques de la population de trois sous-districts de Guéckédou, mai 2022
Presenter: Thierno Bassirou Baldé

14:20 - 14:25: PP471: Dengue Fever Outbreak-Howl-wadag district, Mogadishu city, Somalia October, 2022.
Presenter: Bisma Abdullahi Maalin

14:25 - 14:30: PP876: Improving Timeliness and Completeness of Reporting of weekly surveillance data, Mbarara District, Uganda, Weeks 22 to 34, 2022
Presenter: Sylvia Ayebare

14:30 - 14:45: Questions and Answers

14:45 - 14.50: PP503: Epidemiological Investigation of a Dengue Fever Outbreak in Hodan District, Benadir Region, Somalia
Presenter: Saido Abdirahman Gedi

14:50 - 14:55: PP577: Assessment of Preparedness for Ebola Virus Disease outbreak at Points of Entry and Isolation Sites in western Kenya Counties, 2022
Presenter: Stephen Okumu Opiyo

14:55 - 15:00: PP649: Investigation Autour D’un Cas Confirme De Fievre Jaune Dans Le District Sanitaire De Mbaiki, Prefecture De La Lobaye, Republique Centrafricaine, Decembre 2022
Presenter: Ghislain Alain Tiburce GREWA

15:00 - 15:05: PP807: Le Profil Epidémiologique de Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift (FVR) chez les animaux, en Mauritanie, Août 2022
Presenter: Mohamed Saleck Amar

15:05 - 15:10: PP840: Descriptive Characterization of Yellow Fever Cases in Upper East Region, Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Simon Effah Adjei

15:10 - 15:15: PP723: Evaluation du Système de Surveillance de la Fièvre Jaune dans la région de Niamey, Niger 2022
Presenter: Moussa Ahamadou

15:15 - 15:30: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 14:00

Concurrent Poster Session 1: Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr Raphael Mbailao
Evaluators: Tsitsi Juru / Dr Ben Masiira

14:00 - 14:05: PP23: Factors associated with the persistence of meningitis cases in Burkina Faso from 2012 to 2021
Presenter: Guillaume Touwendyam Yanogo 

14:05 - 14:10: PP62: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la méningite dans la région de Niamey, Niger 2021 
Hadjara Aboubacar

14:10 - 14:15: PP202: Meningitis Epidemiology and Pattern in Yemen Conflict Country
Adnan Mohammed Al-Hindi

14:15 - 14:20: PP279: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la méningite dans le département de l’Alibori, Bénin, 2017 à 2021
Zoubérou Bio Béri

14:20 - 14:25: PP288: Factors associated with acute bacterial meningitis before and after the introduction of conjugate vaccine A in 2017 in Mali – Bamako, 2021
Presenter: Toumani SIDIBE

14:25 - 14:30: PP341: Investigation of a meningitis outbreak in the Bouza Health District, Niger 2022
Presenter: Moussa Ahamadou

14:30 - 14:45: Questions and Answers All

14:45 - 14.50: PP366: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la méningite dans la zone de sante de Selembao, 2022
Presenter: Blandine KISANGANI

14:50 - 14:55: PP463: Investigation d’une flambée de Méningite dans un centre de santé intégré du district sanitaire de Magaria, région de Zinder, Niger, 2023
Presenter: Aboubacar Manzo Mariama

14:55 - 15:00: PP819: Profil épidémiologique de la méningite dans le département de l’Alibori, Bénin du 1er janvier 2017 au 31 décembre 2021
Presenter: Zoubérou Bio Béri

15:00 - 15:05: PP803: Investigation of Measles Deaths, Dandum Sanitary Area, Gabu Region-Guinea Bissau, 2022
Presenter: Carlota Martinho Sá

15:05 - 15:10: PP733: Measles in Ogun State; a five-year review of case based surveillance data, 2016-2020
Presenter: Saheed Olalekan Akinbowale 

15:10 - 15:15: PP645: Investigation of Measles Outbreak - Chief Albert Luthuli (CAL) sub-district, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, March 2023
Presenter: Sizwe Nkosinathi Khumalo

15:15 - 15:30: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 14:00

Concurrent Poster Session 1: Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr Amadou Jallow
Evaluators: Hanine Keita / Gerald Shambira

14:00 - 14:05: PP236: Descriptive Epidemiology of Mpox Outbreak in Delta State, Nigeria December 2022
Presenter: Anthonia Chukwuemeka

14:05 - 14:10: PP344: Monkeypox outbreak investigation in Gbarpolu County, Liberia, March 18, 2023: A preliminary report
Presenter: Thomas Zubah. Kowel

14:10 - 14:15: PP379: Investigation d’une épidémie de Monkeypox dans la zone de santé de Popokabaka, Kwango, République Démocratique du Congo, 2022
Presenter: Alphonse Nkololo Tshonaka

14:15 - 14:20: PP455: Investigation d’une épidémie de Mpox dans l’aire de santé lofuko, zone de santé de Befale, Tshuapa, République Démocratique du Congo, 2022
Presenter: Jacques LOMANGA

14:20 - 14:25: PP491: Investigation autour d’un cas suspect de variole de singe (Monkeypox), localité d’Iboke-v2, district sanitaire de Tabou, région de San Pedro, Côte d’Ivoire, 30 Juillet 2022
Presenter: Kalifa Coulibaly

14:25 - 14:30: PP658: Investigation d’un cluster de cas suspects de Variole de singe dans la maison carcérale de Mbaïki, dans la sous-préfecture de Mbaïki, préfecture de la Lobaye, République Centrafricaine, octobre 2022
Presenter: Paulette Rose Josephat Mbay Yamotende

14:30 - 14:45: Questions and Answers

14:45 - 14.50: PP781: Descriptive Epidemiology of Monkeypox in Imo State: Outbreak Investigation and Response-2022, Southeastern Nigeria
Presenter: Hyacinth Chukwuebuka Egbuna

14:50 - 14:55: PP579: Assessment of timeliness and completeness of reporting, Serowe, Botswana, January 2023
Presenter: Dziidzo Doreen Leshiba

14:55 - 15:00: PP399: Investigation d’un phénomène inconnu dans le village Nkonko, zone de santé de Lukafu, province du Haut Katanga, République Démocratique du Congo, aout 2022
Presenter: David  Ntumba

15:00 - 15:05: PP371: Investigation des cas de Gale au Service de Santé de la Gendarmerie Nationale, Djibouti, Janvier 2022
Presenter: Abdo Araita Macisso

15:05 - 15:10: PP317: Investigation of a cluster of illness and deaths, Dutlwe Village, Kweneng East, Botswana, November, 2022
Presenter: Gofaone Mogorosi

15:10 - 15:15: PP241: Adapting sub-national public health emergency management: the Mbale regional emergency operations center experience in eastern Uganda
Presenter: Herbert Kiirya Isabirye

15:15 - 15:30: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 15:35

Concurrent Oral Session 2: Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health & HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other Opportunitics Infections
Moderator: Prof. Fode Amara Traore
Evaluators: Rebeca Kinde / Dr Gebru Negash

15:35 - 15:45: OP167:  Determinants of Abortion Intention in Marriage among Women in Ibadan Metropolis, South-West, Nigeria
Presenter: Aanuoluwapo Adeyimika Afolabi

15:45 - 15:55: OP139: Trends and spatial distribution of perinatal deaths in Uganda: adescriptive analysis of surveillance data, 2017–2021
Presenter: Brian Agaba

15:55 - 16:05: OP501: Prevalence and Associated Factors of Immediate Postpartum Family Planning Utilization in Nyabihu District,2021
Presenter: Emmerance IGIHOZO HIRWA

16:05 - 16:15: OP547: Factors associated with seeking skilled birth attendance services among women aged 15 – 49 years in North-Horr sub-County, Marsabit County, Kenya
Presenter: Qabale Anna Duba

16:15 - 16:25: Questions and Answers

16:25 - 16:35: OP452: Assessment of Neonatal Sepsis among Preterm Infants in Nyamata hospital, Bugesera district -Rwanda, 2023
Presenter: Didier Ndabana

16:35 - 16:45: OP662: Predictors of Institutional Delivery Service Utilization among Women in Northern Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Abdul Gafaru Mohammed

16:45 - 16:55: OP836: Post abortion contraception choices among women, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana, 2015-2019
Presenter: Paul Henry Dsane-Aidoo

16:55 - 17:05: OP133: Facteurs associés à la persistance du paludisme chez la femme enceinte, district sanitaire de Garango, Burkina Faso, août 2022
Presenter: Wendkouni Serge Alain Tougma

17:05 - 17:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 15:35

Concurrent Oral Session 2: Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health & HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other Opportunitics Infections
Moderator: Dr Ralph Jetoh
Evaluators: Mbouna Ndiaye / Karimou Sani

15:35 - 15:45: OP184: Surveillance Data Analysis of Tuberculosis in Oromia zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia 2017-2021
Presenter: Melaku Girma Halie

15:45 - 15:55: OP308: Linking Drug Resistance Tuberculosis Surveillance Data to Public Health Action: Kenya Experience
Presenter: James Marcomic

15:55 - 16:05: OP619: Descriptive Analysis of Severe Immunodeficiency in Persons living with HIV/AIDS, Lesotho, October 2021 – September 2022
Presenter: Thato Seotsa

16:05 - 16:15: OP375: Tuberculosis and COVID-19 Co-infection at the Two University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia, 2020-2022
Presenter: Madalitso Nkhata

16:15 - 16:25: Questions and Answers

16:25 - 16:35: OP401: HIV yield from assisted partner notification (APN) in Uganda: 2020-2022
Presenter: Peter Chris Kawungezi

16:35 - 16:45: OP482: Determinants of multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis treatment outcomes among HIV co-infected patients in Tanzania from 2017-2019
Presenter: Twilumba Edson Lihweuli

16:45 - 16:55: OP489: Determinants of viral load non‑suppression among HIV‑positive children and adolescents attending care and treatment clinics in Tabora region, Tanzania from January 2018 to April 2022
Presenter: Ruth Daniel Mchomvu

16:55 - 17:05: OP537: Factors Associated with HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis Uptake Among Female Sex Workers in Karongi Peri –Urban Area: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Presenter: Gabriel Twagirimana

17:05 - 17:15: Questions and Answers All

time iconNovember 6, 2023 15:35

Concurrent Oral Session 2: Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health & HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other Opportunitics Infections
Moderator: Emmy Ndevaetela
Evaluators: Patrick Mavungu / Pierre Wilnique

15:35 - 15:45: OP866: Geographic Distribution and Economic Factors Associated with Rapid Test for Recent HIV Infection (RTRI)-Recent HIV infections in Uganda, 2019-2021
Presenter: Immaculate Atuhaire

15:45 - 15:55: OP864: Facilitators and barriers to tuberculosis case notification among private health facilities in Kampala Capital city, Uganda
Presenter: Veronica Kembabazi

15:55 - 16:05: OP832: Factors Associated with the Use of Directly Observed Treatment among Tuberculosis Patients in Mombasa County, Kenya.2020
Presenter: Emily Chinyavu Kurera

16:05 - 16:15: OP802: C-Reactive Protein Levels in Patients Initiating Dolutegravir Based Antiretroviral Regimen in Ghana
Presenter: Vincent Ganu

16:15 - 16:25: Questions and Answers

16:25 - 16:35: OP785: An Analysis of Childhood Tuberculosis Notifications and Treatment Outcomes Incident Rates Ratios in Zambia, 2016-2021
Presenter: Jonathan Mpundu Chama

16:35 - 16:45: OP624: Factors associated with mortality among TB/HIV co-infected patients with drug susceptibility in Rwanda: A cross-sectional study
Presenter: Kizito Nshimiyimana

16:45 - 16:55: OP600: Rifampicin Resistance and Determinants in TB Patients Attending Clinic in Abeokuta, Ogun State
Presenter: Folake Olubunmi Ajayi

16:55 - 17:05: OP574: Prevalence of malaria infection and factors associated among HIV infected adult patients attending HIV care and treatment clinic at Kitete region referral hospital in Tabora region, Tanzania from March to May 2022
Presenter: Hamad Jonas Nnimbo

17:05 - 17:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 6, 2023 15:35

Concurrent Oral Session 2: Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health & HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other Opportunitics Infections
Moderator: Dr Houssein Youssouf Darar
Evaluators: Djibo Issifou / John Kamulegeya

15:35 - 15:45: OP472: High seroprevalence and factors associated with Hepatitis B virus infection: A snapshot from HIV-1 infected pregnant women population in Mtwara region, Tanzania
Presenter: Vulstan James Shedura

15:45 - 15:55: OP745: Enablers of age-appropriate vitamin A supplementation uptake among children aged 6-59 months in the Nadowli-Kaleo District, Upper West Region, Ghana - 2022
Presenter: Sorengmen Amos Ziema

15:55 - 16:05: OP439: Factors affecting the uptake of routine second dose measles containing vaccine among young children, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, 2021
Presenter: Abyot Bekele Woyessa

16:05 - 16:15: OP286: Factors associated with incomplete vaccination of children aged 15 to 23 months in the health district of Tominian in Mali in 2020
Presenter: Ousmane Boua Togola

16:15 - 16:25: Questions and Answers

16:25 - 16:35: OP172: Predictors of Abortion in Marital Union among Ghanaian Women of Reproductive Age: A Secondary Data Analysis
Presenter: Aanuoluwapo Adeyimika Afolabi

16:35 - 16:45: OP65: Understanding the factors contributing to zero-dose  children in pastoralist areas: Evidence from Gavi project in Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia
Presenter: Melaku Tsehay Ayalneh

16:45 - 16:55: OP604: Investigation of increased congenital syphilis cases at a District Hospital, Mpumalanga Province, June 2022 to June 2023
Presenter: Alicia Kruger

16:55 - 17:05: OP879: Incidence of Preeclampsia among Pregnant Women attending Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda, January–December, 2022
Presenter: Irene Kyamwine

17:05 - 17:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 3 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Dr Matthew Kagoli
Evaluators: Irene Kyamwine / Pierre Wilnique

8:00 - 8:10: OP402: Impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la vaccination contre la rougeole dans le district de la Kozah du Togo de 2019 à 2022
Presenter: Idrissa Douti

8:10 - 8:20: OP313: Déterminants de l’épidémie de rougeole dans la ville province de Kinshasa en 2022
Presenter: Fabrice Sewolo Matondo

8:20 - 8:30: OP506: Investigation approfondie des cas de tétanos materno-néonatale dans la zone de sante de Kongolo, de janvier à décembre 2022
Presenter: Michel Luhembwe

8:30 - 8:40: OP431: Facteurs associés à la flambée de Coqueluche dans le district de Kokolou, sous-préfecture de Linsan Saran, Préfecture de Lélouma, Janvier 2023 : Etude de cohorte rétrospective
Presenter: Bakary Oularé

8:40 - 8:50: OP268: Measles Outbreak Investigation, Greater Francistown District, Northern Botswana-2023
Presenter: Arthur Utlwanang Modise

8:50 - 9:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 3 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Dr John Rumunu
Evaluators: Doreen Gonahasa / Joseph Otshudi

8:00 - 8:10: OP708: An Outbreak of cVDPV2 in Dagahaley Refugee Camp, Dadaab Sub-County, Garissa County, Kenya, November 2021
Presenter: Freshia Wanjiku Waithaka

8:10 - 8:20: OP386: Epidemiological analysis of the national acute flaccid paralysis surveillance data, Sierra Leone, 2018 to 2022. A descriptive secondary data analysis
Presenter: Andrew Kekurah Kemoh

8:20 - 8:30: OP365: Investigation d’une épidémie de poliomyélite dans les aires de santé de Metho Kibombo, Bilundu et Kasuku, zone de santé de Kibombo, Maniema, République Démocratique du Congo, mai 2022.
Presenter: Mireille Elongo Zamuda

8:30 - 8:40: OP318: Profil épidémiologique de la paralysie flasque aiguë, District Sanitaire de Boffa, République de Guinée, 2017-2021
Presenter: Saidouba Touré

8:40 - 8:50: OP82: Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance Data Analysis, Sana’a city, Yemen 2012-2021
Presenter: Lamya Abdo Al Aroomi

8:50 - 9:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 3 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Raphael Mbailao
Evaluators: Tatek Bogale / Gerald Shambira

8:00 - 8:10: OP719: COVID-19 risk perception, prevention practices and vaccine uptake among hair stylists in Abeokuta metropolis, Ogun state, Nigeria
Presenter: Saheed Olalekan Akinbowale

8:10 - 8: 20: OP718: Covid-19 vaccination coverage survey in population 18 years and older, Bissau, Guiné-Bissau, January 2023
Presenter: Gizelo Araújo Mendonça

8:20 - 8:30: OP106: Factors associated with willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccine among adults in rural Western Uganda between January and April 2022
Presenter: John Turyagumanawe

8:30 - 8:40: OP839: Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake among Students aged 15-30 years in Jasikan Municipality of Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Hudatu Ahmed

8:40 - 8:50: OP739: Exploration of Causes Contributing to Low Covid-19 Vaccine Coverage at Mwanza District Hospital from March 2021 – December 2022
Presenter: Dikirani Chadza

8:50 - 9:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 3 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Samuel Kolane
Evaluators: Gildo Okure / Joseph Frimpong

8:00 - 8:10: OP688: Monitoring Progress towards achieving UHC in Machakos County, Kenya
Presenter: Ian Were

8:10 - 8:20: OP520: Epidemiological characteristics of a nationwide measles outbreak in a complex humanitarian setting, South Sudan, 2022
Presenter: Abraham Ajok

8:20 - 8:30: OP429: Comparative analysis of measles in border and non-border districts of Sierra Leone, 2018-2021: Retrospective secondary data analysis
Presenter: Mohamed Salieu Bah

8:30 - 8:40: OP100: Strengthening community ownership of Lassa Fever preventive practices in Nigeria using participatory communication
Presenter: Olayinka Stephen Ilesanmi

8:40 - 8:50: OP765: Attitude and practices of informal health care providers towards febrile patients presenting at drug shops in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, 2021
Presenter: Azuka Stephen Adeke

8:50 - 9:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 09:15

Concurrent Poster Session 2 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Dr Husien Abukari Muhiadin
Evaluators: Hetani Mdose / Gerald Shambira

9:15 - 9:20: PP7: COVID-19 Vaccines Acceptance Among Marketeers and Their Customers at Main Masala Market Of Ndola District in Zambia, January 2023
Presenter: Francis  Mwenya

9:20 - 9:25: PP737: Factors Associated with the Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Adult Population, Asante Akim South, North and Central Municipality, Ashanti Region, Ghana, 2023
Presenter: Abdul Gafaru Mohammed

9:25 - 9:30: PP747: Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among eligible residents of Ilorin metropolis: a community-based cluster survey
Presenter: Abiodun Ebenezer Kolapo

9:30 - 9:35: PP748: A qualitative analysis of factors associated with vaccine hesitancy among selected college of health sciences and technology students in the Southwestern part of Nigeria, December 2022
Presenter: Olumuyiwa Peter Oluyide

9:35 - 9:40: PP873: COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Coverage in Uganda, March 2021- June 2022
Presenter: Patrick King

9:40 - 9:45: PP834: A post-outbreak assessment: Predictors of full measles vaccination among children aged 24 to 59 months, Atebubu-Amantin District, Ghana, 2020
Presenter: Eunice Baiden Laryea

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 09:15

Concurrent Poster Session 2 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Issaka Tiembre
Evaluators: Uzoma Ogbonna / Hanine Keita

9:15 - 9:20: PP67: Measles outbreaks in regions neighboring armed conflict zones; Experiences from the West region of Cameroon, 2018-2022
Presenter: Gael Kouamen

9:20 - 9:25: PP80: Measles outbreak investigation in Raya-Kobo District, North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2022: An unmatched case-control study
Presenter: Birhanu Enyew Zeleke

9:25 - 9:30: PP166: Measles Outbreak Investigation in Ebnat district, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, March-April, 2021: An unmatched case-control study
Presenter: Mekonnen Yimer Sisay

9:30 - 9:35: PP334: Measles Outbreak Investigation in Raso District of Afder zone, Somali Region, Ethiopia, 2022Ebsa
Presenter: File Terefa

9:35 - 9:40: PP409: Measles Outbreak in Harper and Pleebo Districts, Maryland County, Liberia, 2022
Presenter: Dedesco Doebia Gweh

9:40 - 9:45: PP436: Measles resurgence: An outbreak investigation in Chimanimani district, Manicaland province, Zimbabwe, 2022
Presenter: Ernest Tsarukanayi Mauwa

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 09:15

Concurrent Poster Session 2 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Ellen Yard
Evaluators: Celestine Ameh / Ernest Konadu Asiedu

9:15 - 9:20: PP84: Diphtheria Trend at Three High Risk Governorates in Yemen, 2017-2021
Presenter: Fatema Ahmed Haidar

9:20 - 9:25: PP85: Pertussis Remerging in Saadah governorate, Yemen
Presenter: Dahm Aziz Saadan

9:25 - 9:30: PP147: Pertussis Outbreak Investigation in Beyeda Woreda, North Gondar Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia: Case-Control Study March, 2022
Presenter: Alemayehu Abebe Kifle

9:30 - 9:35: PP720: Clusters of mumps cases in schools in Omaruru District, Erongo Region Namibia, February 2023
Presenter: Carenn Inotila Megameno Shekudja

9:35 - 9:40: PP711: Analysis of a surge of Mumps Suspected cases in Okahao District,   Omusati region, Namibia, January - February 2023: A case for Mumps vaccination
Presenter: Meameno Twafindana Nghinamwaami

9:40 - 9:45: PP121: Data Quality and Associated Factors in Health Facilities Providing Routine Immunization Service in Angwaa Zone, Gambella Region, Ethiopia
Presenter: Destaw Assefa Gobezie

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 09:15

Concurrent Poster Session 2 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Public Health Strengthening Initiatives
Moderator: Dr Yacouba Sangare
Evaluators: Irene Kyamwine / Ben Masiira

9:15 - 9:20: PP63: National Measles Surveillance Data Analysis from 2016-2019, Ethiopia
Presenter: Mesfin Asmamaw  Weldemeskel

9:20 - 9:25: PP219: Evaluation of Measles Surveillance System in Kenya, 2022
Presenter: Francis Muoka Ndonye

9:25 - 9:30: PP465: Evaluation of Measles surveillance system in Kibilizi District Hospital catchment area, 2017-September 2022
Presenter: Alice Musabyeyezu

9:30 - 9:35: PP587: Knowledge regarding measles vaccination among caregivers in Montserrado County, Liberia, 2022
Presenter: Bode Ireti Shobayo

9:35 - 9:40: PP761: Epidemiology of Measles Cases and preliminary review of Surveillance and Response activities, October – December 2022
Presenter: Rixongile Malomane

9:40 - 9:45: PP354: Impact of COVID-19 on Measles Immunization and Incidence in Zambia, 2017-2022; An Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Presenter: Tebello Kolobe

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 10:00

Tea Break

time iconNovember 7, 2023 10:30

Plenary Session 2: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigation and Response

Main Auditorium

Moderators:  Dr Jean Medard Kankou
Venue: Main Auditorium

10:30 - 10:55: Modernizing Global Health Security to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Public Health Emergency
Presenter: Prof Scott JN McNabb

10:55 - 11:20: WHO-Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threat initiative (PRET)
Presenter: Dr Gina Samaan

11:20 - 11:40: Reflecting on surveillance frameworks and tools to address future epidemics
Presenter: Dr Peter Nsubuga

11:40 - 12:00: Accelerating progress to meet the 7-1-7 target for outbreak detection and control in Africa
Presenter: Dr Tyler Porth 

speaker headshot Prof Scott JN McNabb
Modernizing Global Health Security to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Public Health Emergency
speaker headshot Dr Gina Samaan
WHO-Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threat initiative (PRET)
speaker headshot Dr Peter Nsubuga
Reflecting on surveillance frameworks and tools to address future epidemics
speaker headshot Tyler A. Porth
Accelerating progress to meet the 7-1-7 target for outbreak detection and control in Africa
time iconNovember 7, 2023 12:05

Concurrent Oral Session 4 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Non Communicable Diseases, Injuries, Mental Health & Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Dr. Mohammed A. Vandi
Evaluators: Dr John Kamulegaya / Godfrey Kayita

12:05 - 12:15: OP29: Analysis of data from Niger’s National Cancer Registry from 2010 to 2018
Presenter: Moussa Ahamadou

12:15 - 12:25: OP190: Factors associated with hypertension among Persons Living with HIV in Mombasa County, Kenya
Presenter: Faith Nthoki Mudachi

12:25 - 12:35: OP488: Prevalence of cardiovascular emergencies and associated factors: case of the emergency department of the National Hospital of Niamey- Niger, February to March 2020
Presenter: Fatoumata Mounkaila Issa

12:35 - 12:45: OP504: Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hypertension among Adults in Tanga Region in January, 2023: A Cross-Sectional Community Based Survey
Presenter: Sephord Saul Ntibabara

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 12:05

Concurrent Oral Session 4 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Non Communicable Diseases, Injuries, Mental Health & Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Emily Barigye Atuheire
Evaluators: Nestor Noudeke / Amir Juya

12:05 - 12:15: OP152: Malaria Outbreak investigation and Report-wama cluster of Mana sibu Woreda, Ethiopia, October 2020
Presenter: Sahilu Tesfaye Weyessa

12:15 - 12:25: OP227: Adherence to Malaria Treatment Guidelines in Health Facilities in Kenya, 2022
Presenter: Fredrick Ouma

12:25 - 12:35: OP244: Evaluation of Malaria Surveillance System in Mozambique, 2017–2021
Presenter: Mário Avelino Malunga

12:35 - 12:45: OP598: Malaria outbreak investigation in Katima Mulilo District, Zambezi region, 14 – 25 March 2022
Presenter: Maria Nuusiku Angala

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 12:05

Concurrent Oral Session 4 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Non Communicable Diseases, Injuries, Mental Health & Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Marianne Laurant Comlan
Evaluators: Gildo Okure / Joseph Frimpong

12:05 - 12:15: OP554: Health insurance financing and patient retention in care at diabetics and hypertension clinics in Dar es Salaam and Pwani regions, Tanzania
Presenter: Harrieth Mathias Manisha

12:15 - 12:25: OP668: Factors associated with complications among Diabetes Mellitus cases in Kitui County Referral Hospital Diabetic Clinic, Kenya from June 2018 —September 2018
Presenter: Diana Rose Wangari Mwaura

12:25 - 12:35: OP691: Determinants of sub-optimal glycaemic control among patients enrolled in a medicine dispensing programme in Kwazulu-Natal: A longitudinal study, 2018-2021
Presenter: Leigh Johnston

12:35 - 12:45: OP779: Who is taking Methadone in Mombasa, Kenya, 2015–2022
Presenter: Nassoro Juma Mwanyalu

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 12:05

Concurrent Oral Session 4 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Non Communicable Diseases, Injuries, Mental Health & Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Prof. Francis Antoh
Evaluators: Hanine Keita / George Akowuah

12:05 - 12:15: OP160: COVID-19-related stigma among survivors in Soroti District, Uganda, March 2020 to December 2021
Presenter: Alice Asio

12:15 - 12:25: OP888: Post COVID-19 condition among individuals hospitalised during Wave 1 and Wave 2 at Mulago National Referral Hospital and Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda, 2020-2021
Presenter: Allan Komakech

12:25 - 12:35: OP73: Evaluation of a Sentinel Hypertension Surveillance System in Mojo, East Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2022: A Concurrently Embedded Mixed Cross-Sectional Study
Presenter: Abiyie Demelash Gashe

12:35 - 12:45: OP321: Magnitude, Trends, and Seasonal Variations of Road Traffic Accidents in Ogun State, Nigeria: A Three-Year Review
Presenter: Adesoji Olatunde Odukoya

12:45 - 13:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 13:00

Lunch Break

time iconNovember 7, 2023 14:00

Plenary Session 3: Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Disease

Main Auditorium

Moderators:  Dr Kerton R. Victory
Venue: Main Auditorium

14:00 - 14:20: Dealing with Malaria Challenges in Africa: Prospects for Elimination
Presenter: Prof Fred Newton Binka

14:20 - 14:40: Overview of Research Studies Conducted on Mpox in Democratic Republic of Congo
Presenter: Prof. Placide Mbala

14:40 - 15:00: Emerging Infectious Diseases in East and Southern Africa
Presenter: Prof Kennedy Njenga

speaker headshot Prof Fred Newton Binka
Dealing with Malaria Challenges in Africa: Prospects for Elimination
speaker headshot Prof. Placide Mbala
Overview of Research Studies Conducted on Mpox in Democratic Republic of Congo
speaker headshot Prof Kariuki Njenga
Emerging Infectious Diseases in East and Southern Africa
time iconNovember 7, 2023 15:15

Concurrent Oral Session 5 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response & Antimicrobial Resistance
Emmy Ndevaetela
Evaluators: Dr Gebru Negash / George Akowuah

15:15 - 15:25: OP31: Investigation des cas suspects de choléra dans le district sanitaire de Madarounfa, région de Maradi, Niger, 2022
Presenter: Harissou Aboubacar Aboubacar

15:25 - 15:35: OP331: Cholera Outbreak Investigation Conducted in Mwansabombwe District, Luapula Province, Zambia – January 2023
Presenter: Ante Mutati

13:35 - 15:45: OP556: Foodborne outbreak investigation at a wedding event – Batken, Kyrgyzstan, June 2022
Presenter: Timur Dautov

15:45 - 15:55: Questions and Answers

15:55 - 16:05: OP562: Salmonella enteriditis outbreak at a café - Turkestan Region, Kazakhstan, October 2022
Presenter: Saya Gazezova

16:05 - 16:15: OP616: Cholera Outbreak Resulting from Lack of Handwashing in Pitoa-Cameroon, July 2022
Presenter: Haman Djabbo Abdoul Wahhab

16:15 - 16:25: OP621: Outbreak investigation of Salmonella typhi, Simbi sector, Southern province, Rwanda: A descriptive study, November 2021
Presenter: Isabelle Teta Batanage

16:25 - 16:35: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 15:15

Concurrent Oral Session 5 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Public Health Strengthening Initiative and Communicable Disease Epidemiology
Moderator: Dr Cecilia Mbae
Evaluators: Ernest Konadu Asiedu / Nestor Ndakala

15:15 - 15:25: OP19: Prevalence of Hepatitis B virus and its predictors among volunteer blood donors in Jimma, Ethiopia, 2018: A cross-sectional study
Presenter: Tesfaye Solomon Kenati

15:25 - 15:35: OP404: Profil épidémiologique des hépatites virales B et C chez les primo-donneurs de sang au Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine de Lomé de 2020-2022
Presenter: Kokou Ayamekpe

13:35 - 15:45: OP611: Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus - Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, January 2020 - September 2022
Presenter: Sifiso Lucky Sithole

15:45 - 15:55 Questions and Answers

15:55 - 16:05: OP746: The Risk Perception of Mpox Disease Transmission Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Rivers State, Nigeria
Presenter: Hastings Chinedu Onu

16:05 - 16:15: OP655: Determination of recency of newly diagnosed HIV cases at Malindi Sub-County Hospital, Kenya, 2021-2023
Presenter: Hellen Mulalya Masila

16:15 - 16:25: OP98: Willingness to Take Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among High-Risk Young Men aged 10-24 years in Masese Fishing Community, Jinja District, Uganda
Presenter: Winnie Agwang

16:25 - 16:35: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 15:15

Concurrent Oral Session 5 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response & Antimicrobial Resistance
 Dr Chima Ohuabunwo
Evaluators: Banda Jezreel Dabwitso / Peter Adewuyi

15:15 - 15:25: OP153: The Role of contact tracing in the timely identification of Cases in the 2022 Ebola Outbreak in Uganda Mercy Presenter: Wendy Wanyana

15:25 - 15:35: OP252: Investigation de cas de Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift au Sénégal, novembre 2021
Presenter: Ramatoulaye DIOP

13:35 - 15:45: OP473: Investigation autour d’un cas confirmé de dengue au district sanitaire de Madaoua, région de Tahoua, Niger, 2023
Presenter: Hassane Aouadé

15:45 - 15:55: Questions and Answers

15:55 - 16:05: OP538: Profil épidémiologique de la fièvre hémorragique de Lassa dans le département du Borgou de janvier 2016 à décembre 2021 au Bénin
Presenter: François DADIDJE

16:05 - 16:15: OP635: Epidemiological analysis of Lassa fever in Sierra Leone: A Secondary Data Analysis, 2018 to 2022
Presenter: Samuel Sama Turay

16:15 - 16:25: OP860: Time to care-seeking and factors influencing appropriate EVD care among Ebola case patients in Uganda, September to November 2022
Presenter: Rebecca Akunzirwe

16:25 - 16:35: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 15:15

Concurrent Oral Session 5 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response & Antimicrobial Resistance
Moderator: Dr Virgil Kuassi Lokossou
Evaluators: Dr Seogo Hamadou / Hetani Mdose

15:15 - 15:25: OP156: Increasing trends of antibiotic resistance, Uganda: an analysis of National antimicrobial resistance surveillance data, 2018-2021
Presenter: Saudah Namubiru Kizito

15:25 - 15:35: OP744: Epidemiology of Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae among Patients with Wound Infections in Ibadan, Nigeria
Presenter: Olawale Sunday Animasaun

13:35 - 15:45: OP763: Molecular Characterization and Resistance Pattern of Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae from Clinical Specimens at Federal Medical Centre, Keffi-Nasarawa State, Nigeria 2023
Presenter: Benson Igoche Omaiye

15:45 - 15:55: Questions and Answers

15:55 - 16:05: OP550: Retrospective cohort study of factors associated with non-initiation of antiretroviral therapy among adults newly diagnosed with HIV in Andijan, Uzbekistan, 2018-2021
Presenter: Shokhruh Usmanov

16:05 - 16:15: OP589: Etiology, antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and factors associated with bacteriuria among HIV-infected women attending prevention of mother to child transmission clinic at Bukoba Municipality, Tanzania, 2022
Presenter: Eustadius Kamugisha Felician 

16:15 - 16:25: OP54: Predictors of positivity yield among HIV index contacts in Harare and Matabeleland South provinces, Zimbabwe, 2022
Presenter: Hamufare Dumisani Mugauri

16:25 - 16:35: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 7, 2023 19:00

Cultural Night

Venue: PrideInn Paradise Hotel and Spa, Main plenary hall

Host: Stephanie Maseki

This evening is dedicated to celebrating the different and vibrant cultures that make up our Network. It gives delegates an opportunity to embrace and share their cultural heritage, fostering understanding and appreciation for the unique backgrounds that make our organisation a diverse and vibrant community. 

The cultural highlight and focus of this evening will be Kenya, our host, and will be showcased through the decoration, cuisine, entertainment and a host of other ways you will surely enjoy.

In that regard, we are requesting new delegates to wear any outfits in the Kenya colors; Black, Red, Green and White.

time iconNovember 8, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 6 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-Theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health,  Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases, & Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Moderator: Gerald Shambira
Evaluators: Tsitsi Juru / Ally Husseni

8:00 - 8:10: OP868: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence among Adolescent Girls and Young Women during the Main COVID-19 Period, Eastern Uganda
Presenter: Patience Mwine

8:10 - 8:20: OP859: Factors associated with Black Water Fever among children with severe malaria in Kakumiro District, Western Uganda, February- August 2022
Presenter: Helen Nelly Naiga

8:20 - 8.:30: OP702: Realizing sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls and young women through comprehensive SRHR approaches in Eastern Uganda, Buyende District: a quantitative study
Presenter: Martha Zalwango

8:30 - 8:40: OP456: Investigation d’une épidémie de Diphtérie dans le District Sanitaire de Tesker, région de Zinder, Niger, 2022
Presenter: Issiakou Aboubakar Gandou

8:40 - 8:50: OP370: Evaluation du système de surveillance des décès néonatals dans le département de l’Ouémé, Bénin, de juillet 2021 à juin 2022
Presenter: Augusta Akouènon ADANVE

8:50 - 9:00: OP357: Facteurs associés à l’échec du traitement préventif intermittent du paludisme à la sulfadoxine – pyriméthamine chez les gestantes dans la maternité du centre hospitalier de Kingasani, Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo, janvier à novembre 2022
Presenter: Elie  Kazadi Tshilumba

9:00 - 9:15: Questions and Answers All

time iconNovember 8, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 6 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-Theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health,  Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases, & Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Moderator: Gildo Okure
Evaluators: Tsitsi Juru / Ally Husseni

8:00 - 8:10: OP805: Malaria surveillance data analysis in the Kintampo North Municipality, Bono East Region, Ghana, 2023
Presenter: Isaac Baffoe-Nyarko

8:10 - 8:20: OP661: Evaluation of the Entomological Surveillance System of Vector Density, Province of Nampula/Mozambique, 2017 to 2021
Presenter: Raúl Duarte Namburete

8:20 - 8:30: OP633: Malaria Knowledge Among Women of Reproductive Age – Tete Province, Mozambique, 2019-2020
Presenter: Gerson Afai

8:30 - 8:40: OP486: Référence des cas de paludisme grave et facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les hôpitaux publics de l’Alibori au Benin du 01er avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: Zoubérou Bio Béri

8:40 - 8:50: OP304: Référence des cas graves de paludisme et facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans, département du Borgou, 1er avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: François DADIDJE

8:50 - 9:00: OP553: Investigation of an upsurge of bacterial meningitis cases in Northern Bahr-El-Ghazal State, South Sudan, January-July 2022
Presenter: Thomas Dugan Guot

9:00 - 9:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 8, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 6 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-Theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health,  Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases, & Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Moderator: Dr Husien Abukari Muhiadin
Evaluators: Daniel Kadobera / Lydia Nakiire

8:00 - 8:10: OP845: Epidemiological analysis of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance data following three polio outbreaks – Western Region, Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Dennis Jubin

8:10 - 8:20: OP424: Investigation de l’Epidemie de Rougeole dans le District Sanitaire du Golfe, Togo, Février 2022
Presenter: Kokouvi Gamadé Dégué

8:20 - 8:30: OP267: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la rougeole, Dubréka, Août 2021
Presenter: Soumah Naby Mariama

8:30 - 8:40: OP39: Investigation de cas de Paralysies Flasques Aigues non poliomyélitique au niveau des sites d’orpaillages traditionnels du district sanitaire de Kédougou en juin 2021
Presenter: (Sénégal) Fodé Danfakha

8:40 - 8:50: OP545: Effect of corona virus disease 2019 pandemic on turnaround time for laboratory testing of measles samples, South Sudan, 2020-2021
Manuela Alphonse

8:50 - 9:00: OP265: Profil épidémiologique des cas de Paralysie Flasque Aiguë (PFA) dans le département du Zou, Bénin de 2017-2021.
Presenter: Tognissè Edgar Raoul Assogbakpè

9:00 - 9:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 8, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Oral Session 6 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-Theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health,  Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases, & Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Moderator: Dr Blaise Guezo-Mevo
Evaluators: Fred Odhiambo / Dr Abade Ahmed

8:00 - 8:10: OP771: Cholera outbreak investigation, Gauteng Province, South Africa, February – March 2023: Re-emerging Public Health problem
Presenter: Nchucheko Makhubele

8:10 - 8:20: OP835: Schistosomiasis surveillance system evaluation in Awutu Senya East Municipality, Central Region, Ghana
Presenter: Seth Baffoe

8:20 - 8:30: OP762: Evaluation of Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) Surveillance System at Ehlanzeni district, Mpumalanga province, 2020-2022
Presenter: Ntombizodwa Madalane

8:30 - 8:40: OP323: Investigation d’une épidémie de shigellose dans l’aire de santé Prison, zone de santé Mweneditu, Lomami, République Démocratique du Congo, Octobre  2022
Presenter: Erick Tshibanda Mulangu

8:40 - 8:50: OP676: Schistosomiasis Outbreak Investigation in Essuekyir, Ghana, January 2023
Presenter: Grace Adjoa Ocansey

8:50 - 9:00: OP374: Profil épidémiologique des données de décès néonatals de 2018 à 2021 dans le département de l’Ouémé au Bénin
Presenter: Augusta Akouènon ADANVE

9:00 - 9:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 8, 2023 09:20

Concurrent Poster Session 3 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-Theme: Vector Borne Disease and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Dr Barnabe Gningue
Evaluators: Davis Ashaba / Joseph Magoola

9:20 - 9:25: PP125: Distribution of Anopheles stephensi and Malaria prevention practice among travellers in areas of high human population movement along Ethio-Djibouti border: mixed research design, 2022
Presenter: Fentahun Agegnehu Worku

9:25 - 9:30: PP229: Descriptive Analysis of Malaria Cases, Okavango District, Botswana-2023
Presenter: Priscilla Malibo

9:30 - 9:35: PP269: Malaria outbreak investigation, Selebi-Phikwe district, Botswana, February 2023
Presenter: Gabobofane Maphakwane

9:35 - 9:40: PP325: Evaluation of distribution of Insecticide Treated Nets for Malaria prevention in Chikwawa District, Malawi, 2021/2022
Presenter: Wamaka Blessings Msopole

9:40 - 9:45: PP417: Effectiveness of indoor residual spray on malaria control; a review of the malaria cases among children under five years in Rachuonyo North Sub County, Homa Bay County, Kenya
Presenter: Gabriel Kotewas

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

10:00 - 10:05: PP521: Investigation d’une flambée de lésions cutanéomuqueuses suspectes de leishmaniose dans la sous-préfecture de Grimari en RCA, janvier 2023
Presenter: Auguste Odilon Kpahina

10:05 - 10:10: PP593: Schistosomiasis outbreak among leaners at Omindamba Combined school, Outapi district, Omusati region, Namibia, August 2022
Presenter: Gebhard Panduleni Ndyaleka

10:10 - 10:15: PP784: The Impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases Expenditure on Onchocerciasis Treatment Outcomes in Nigeria, 2000-2021
Presenter: Bernsah Damian Lawong

10:15 - 10:20: PP620: Pilot Serological and Molecular Survey for Dengue and other Arboviruses’ Infection in Acute Febrile Patients in Yenagoa Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Presenter: Dayo Olufemi Akanbi

10:20 - 10: 25: PP400: Performance de la lutte contre le paludisme chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans le district sanitaire de Tchaoudjo au Togo de 2019 à 2021
Presenter: Kossivi AHE

10:25 - 10:30: PP594: A confirmed human dracunculiasis case in Lafon County, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan, August 2022
Presenter: William Jenaro Okere

10:30 - 10:45: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 8, 2023 09:20

Concurrent Poster Session 3 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-Theme: Vector Borne Disease and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Issaka Tiembre
Evaluators: Mamadou Sarifou Ba / Pierre Wilnique

9:20 - 9:25: PP483: Référence des cas de paludisme grave et facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les hôpitaux de zone de Tanguiéta et de Kouandé du 01er avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: Gally Akoakpo Djaboutou

9:25 - 9:30: PP828: Caractéristique épidémiologique des décès maternels de janvier 2018 à juin 2022 dans le département du Couffo, Bénin
Presenter: Nestor Sossoukpè

9:30 - 9:35: PP880: Descriptive Analysis of Malaria cases, Masaka Region, Uganda, January - December 2022
Presenter: Gertrude Abbo

9:35 - 9:40: PP467: Malaria Data analysis in Kibilizi subdistrict, Southern province, Rwanda, 2022
Presenter: Alice Musabyeyezu

9:40 - 9:45: PP128: Coverage and Factors associated with Utilization of Pyrethroid-Piperonyl Butoxide treated nets in a Malaria Endemic Region, Western Kenya
Presenter: Stephen Aricha

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

10:00 - 10:05: PP660: Profil épidémiologique du paludisme à Betafo, région Vakinankaratra, Madagascar, 2022

Presenter: Lina Zafindraibe HERISOANJANAHARY

10:05 - 10:10: PP580: Référence des cas de paludisme grave et facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de 0 à 59 mois dans les hôpitaux publics de l’Ouémé au Bénin en 2022
Presenter: Augusta Akouènon ADANVE

10:10 - 10:15: PP741: Trends in Malaria reports from the Malaria Parasite Sentinel Surveillance in Nigeria, January 2017- May 2018
Presenter: Wudi Natasha Tanko

10:15 - 10:20: PP740: Surveillance data analysis of under-5-year malaria cases amidst malaria Control interventions in the Tamale Metropolis, 2017 – 2021
Presenter: Shahadu Shembla

10:20 - 10:25: PP690: Surveillance Data Analysis of Uncomplicated Malaria in Pregnancy in Ablekuma North Private Health Facilities, Ghana 2017- 2021
Presenter: Thelma Teley Aphour

10:25 - 10:30: PP396: Increasing stockouts of critical malaria commodities in public health facilities in Uganda, 2017-2022
Presenter: Jane Frances Zalwango

10:30 - 10:45: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 8, 2023 09:20

Concurrent Poster Session 3 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-Theme: Vector Borne Disease and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Mr Samuel Assegid
Evaluators: Maria Nunga / Banda Jezreel Dabwitso

9:20 - 9:25: PP322: The Role of Eating Out and Physical Contact with a Patient in Cholera Transmission in Salima District, Malawi October 2022
Presenter: Wamaka Msopole

9:25 - 9:30: PP457: Investigating Cholera Outbreak in Nyamasheke District, Rwanda from 20th February to 09th March, 2023
Presenter: Solange NYINAWABEZA

9:30 - 9:35: PP528: Cholera outbreak among internally displaced people in Bentiu Camp, Unity State, South Sudan, March-October 2022
Presenter: Agnes Jokudu Nathaniel

9:35 - 9:40: PP749: Cholera in the era of Covid-19-Pandemic: A Positive Trend in Volta Region 2017-2022, Ghana
Presenter: Wisdom Kwame Klenyuie

9:40 - 9:45: PP787: Cholera outbreak investigation in Malakal County, Upper Nile State, South Sudan, February-March 2023
Presenter: Joesph Hickson Lasu

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

10:00 - 10:05: PP239: Profil épidémiologique et facteurs associés aux diarrhées à Rotavirus, centre hospitalier régional de Gaoua, Burkina Faso, de 2013 à 2022
Presenter: Wendkouni Serge Alain Tougma

10:05 - 10:10: PP666: Evaluation of the Diarrheal Disease Surveillance System, Nampula-Mozambique, 2019-2020
Presenter: Beatriz Felicidade Nhantumbo

10:10 - 10:15: PP272: Laboratory Surveillance of Diarrhoeal Etiologic Agents, Lobatse, November 2022
Presenter: Chika Merilyn Olorato

10:15 - 10:20: PP817: Profil épidémiologique du choléra dans le département de l’Atlantique de 2017-2021, Bénin
Presenter: Balikissou Méyissehoue Gnonlonfin

10:20 - 10:25: PP549: Food Poisoning Outbreak Investigation at Ecole Agricole et Veterinaire (EAV) Kabutare High School, Huye District of Rwanda - June 2022
Presenter: Albert Busumbigabo

10:25 - 10:30: PP766: Foodborne disease outbreak investigation at a community hall in Soweto, Gauteng Province, South Africa, October 2022
Presenter: Naledi Mapitja

10:30 - 10:45: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 8, 2023 09:20

Concurrent Poster Session 3 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-Theme: Vector Borne Disease and Neglected Tropical Diseases
Moderator: Dr Hamet Ba
Evaluators: Dr Peter Adewuyi / Khuliso Ravhuhali Goodman

9:20 - 9:25: PP117: Assessing compliance to Tuberculosis/HIV standards of care through clinical audits at referral hospitals in Uganda
Presenter: Veronica Kembabazi

9:25 - 9:30: PP310: Epidemiological Profile and Treatment outcome of tuberculosis cases at Moyamba District, Sierra Leone, 2023: A retrospective study
Presenter: Joseph. Sam

9:30 - 9:35: PP315: Analysis of Tuberculosis Laboratory Data, Southeast district, Botswana, September 2022
Presenter: Ketshepaone Herry

9:35 - 9:40: PP445: Positivity rate of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among people Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus attending Kibungo Referral Hospital, Ngoma District-Rwanda 2020-2021
Presenter: Shaban Havugimana

9:40 - 9:45: PP499: Profil épidémiologique de la tuberculose multi-résistante à Kinshasa de janvier 2016 à décembre 2021
Presenter: Yannick EBENGO

9:45 - 10:00: Questions and Answers

10:00 - 10:05: PP865: Adoption of eHealth for community monitoring of HIV/TB services and its predictors among NGO staff in Kampala Uganda
Presenter: Isabella Wanadi Kisa

10:05 - 10:10: PP512: Mortality trend and associated factors among HIV clients on antiretroviral therapy in Tanzania from 2018-2020
Presenter: Albert Paschal

10:10 - 10:15: PP778: Characterization of adult HIV cases in Maragua Sub County Hospital, Murang’a County, Kenya in 2021-A cross sectional retrospective study.
Presenter: David Gitau

10:15 - 10:20: PP679: onitoring and improving turn-around time of HIV molecular testing in Angola
Presenter: Ana Sofia Pinheiro

10:20 - 10:25: PP605: Survival and predictors of mortality among multidrug resistant Tuberculosis patients after decentralization of services in Tanzania from 2017-2019
Presenter: George Mrema

10:25 - 10:30: PP585: Evaluation of Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis Surveillance System: Sierra Leone, 2020 – 2022
Presenter: Samuel Sao Bailor

10:30 - 10:45: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 8, 2023 10:45

Tea Break

time iconNovember 8, 2023 11:15

Plenary Session 4: Global Health Security

Main Auditorium

Moderators: Dr Carl Reddy
Venue: Main Auditorium

11:15 - 11:35: Strengthening IPC in African Health Systems towards Global Health Security
Presenter: Prof Adebola Olayinka

11:35 - 11:55: Global Health Security Agenda in the Post-Covid-19 Era
Presenter: Dr. Kerton R. Victory

11:55 - 12:15: Global Health Security Agenda, Kenya Perspective
Presenter: Dr Penina Munyua 

speaker headshot Prof Adebola Olayinka
Strengthening IPC in African Health Systems towards Global Health Security
speaker headshot Dr. Kerton R. Victory
West Africa Regional Advisor for Global Health Security in CDC’s Global Health Center (GHC), Division of Global Health Protection (DGHP)
speaker headshot Dr Penina Munyua
Global Health Security Agenda, Kenya Perspective
time iconNovember 8, 2023 12:40

Educational Tours and Field Site Visits

time iconNovember 9, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 4 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health
Moderator: Dr Alex Ario Riolexus
Evaluators: Dr Moreen Kamateeka / Celestine Ameh

8:00 - 8:05: PP289: Sierra Leone Reducing Maternal Mortality in the last five years, 2016 – 2021: A secondary data analysis on MDSR System
Presenter: Zainab JuhehBah

8:05 - 8:10: PP387: Facteurs associés à la létalité du paludisme grave chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les hôpitaux publics du Bénin du 01 avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: Nestor Sossoukpè

8:10 - 8:15: PP582: Maternal Mortality Surveillance System Evaluation, The Gambia, 2022
Presenter: Abdoulie Sonko

8:15 - 8:20: PP651: Review of Teenage Pregnancy in Erongo Region, Namibia 2013 – 2018: A Descriptive Study
Presenter: Ndeshihafela Sakaria

8:20 - 8:30: Questions and Answers

8:30 - 8:35: PP522: Neonatal mortality and associated factors at the Western Province Hospital in Rwanda; A facility based cross-sectional study, 2019-2021
Presenter: Christophe Nkundabaza

8:35 - 8:40: PP531: Causes and trends of stillbirth deliveries, Aberdeen Women's Centre, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2017-2020: A case study of a health facility
Presenter: Lilian Kumba Admire-Taylor

8:40 - 8:45: PP575: Risk Factors associated with delivering Low Birth Weight Infants at Oshakati Intermediate Hospital, Oshana region, Namibia – September to November 2020
Presenter: Roswitha Mukanga Ndjengwa

8:45 - 8:50: PP135: Facteurs associés aux mortinaissances dans le district sanitaire de Pô, région du Centre-Sud, Burkina Faso, juillet 2022
Presenter: Boureima Kouraogo

8:50 - 9:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 4 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Maternal Reproductive and Child Health
Moderator: Dr Jean Medard Kankou
Evaluators: Ernest Kateule / Mamadou Sarifou Ba

8:00 - 8:05: PP656: Evaluation of comprehensive post-abortion services surveillance system at Dodoma region, Tanzania from January to March 2023
Presenter: Jonhas Masatu Malija

8:05 - 8:10: PP796: Understanding newborn care practiced by mothers in Mukono district Uganda,2022
Presenter: Annet Mary Namusisi

8:10 - 8:15: PP704: Why mothers die during maternal delivery and pregnancy-related complications? Secondary data analysis of maternal death data from Falaba District, Sierra Leone, 2018 to 2022
Presenter: Jusu Musa

8:15 - 8:20: PP808: Profil épidémiologique des décès maternels à la Maternité de référence Dar-El Hanan, Djibouti, 2012-2018
Presenter: Sahra Moussa Bouh

8:20 - 8:30: Questions and Answers

8:30 - 8:35: PP707: Delivery Outcome among Women who delivered in Regional Hospitals, January 2021 To December 2022 Sierra Leone
Presenter: Musu Rachael Cole

8:35 - 8:40: PP101: Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis and Rubella in Pregnant Women from Antenatal Clinic in Ibadan (Nigeria) And Bamako (Mali)
Presenter: Mazo Koné

8:40 - 8:45: PP218: Evaluation of the adherence of healthcare workers to Prenatal care standards in the context of free care program in Burkina Faso
Presenter: Satouro Arsene SOME

8:45 - 8:50: PP800: Factors Associated with Depression Symptoms among pregnant Adolescent Girls and Young Women at Kawempe National Referral Hospital, Uganda
Presenter: Henry Kiiza

8:50 - 9:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 4 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Infectious Diseases
Moderator: Dr Hanitriniala Sahondranirina
Evaluators: Cephas Sialubanje / Ndeta Caren

8:00 - 8:05: PP164: Increasing HIV Incidence in Southwest Ethiopia: Evidence from Case-Based Surveillance Data 2019-2022
Presenter: Nigatu Admasu Desta

8:05 - 8:10: PP245: Increased vulnerability to HIV infection among key populations during the COVID-19 emergency, Mozambique 2022, Formative-Assessment
Presenter: Hélder Filipe Fumo

8:10 - 8:15: PP418: Achieving the 95-95-95 fast track targets: HIV care and treatment cascade, Zimbabwe, 2021: a secondary data analysis
Presenter: Ernest Tsarukanayi Mauwa

8:15 - 8:20: PP435: Evaluation of HIV Surveillance System within the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Program, Western Area Urban District, Sierra Leone, 2022
Presenter: Saidu Heisenberg Mansaray

8:20 - 8:30: Questions and Answers

8:30 - 8:35: PP437: Predictors of time to  viral load suppression in young people in Gwanda District, Zimbabwe 2021
Presenter: Mutizwa Thomas Mupedziswa

8:35 - 8:40: PP450: Assessment of Nutritional Status among Children Living with HIV in Kibuye Referral Hospital Catchment Area, Karongi district - Rwanda, January-November 2022
Presenter: Jean Pierre BUCYANAYANDI

8:40 - 8:45: PP533: Prevalence and predictors of detectable viral-load among HIV clients on Ant-retroviral therapy in Kagera region Tanzania
Presenter: Albert Paschal

8:45 - 8:50: PP884: Trends in HIV Differentiated Service Delivery Model utilization among children and adolescents in Uganda, 2020-2022
Presenter: Rebecca Akunzirwe

8:50 - 9:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 4 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme:  Non Communicable Diseases Injuries and Mental Health
Moderator: Dr Cynthia Baltazaar
Evaluators: Khuliso Ravhuhali Goodman / Tsitsi Juru

8:00 - 8:05: PP149: Five years of hypertension descriptive data analysis at Merawi primary hospital, West Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia, 2018 –2022
Presenter: Henok Abere Ali

8:05 - 8:10: PP243: Prevalence of Substance use disorder and associated risk factors among mental health patients at the Edward Snoh Grant’s Mental Health Hospital, Liberia, 2021
Presenter: Emmanuel Dwalu

8:10 - 8:15: PP420: Épidémiologie et Facteurs d’Exposition des Cardiopathies Congénitales au Service de Pédiatrie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Campus de Lomé de 2017 à 2022
Presenter: Yamdi Kanou

8:15 - 8:20: PP434: Clinico-epidemiological characteristics of Road Traffic injuries presenting at the Trauma Centre of Connaught Teaching Hospital, Sierra Leone, 2020-2022
Presenter: Isata Theresa Kamara

8:20 - 8:30: Questions and Answers

8:30 - 8:35: PP613: “Prevalence and predictors of hypertension among screened population in Rwanda: A cross-sectional study, 2021 to 2022”
Presenter: Isabelle Teta Batanage

8:35 - 8:40: PP641: Evaluation of Dodoma cervical cancer population based surveillance system at Dodoma Tanzania, January to December 2022.
Presenter: Godbless Henry Mfuru

8:40 - 8:45: PP769: Quality of Management for Adult Hypertensives Attending Rural and Urban Primary Health Centers in Oyo State, Nigeria, July 2021: A Comparative Study
Presenter: Olugbenga Adeola Odukanmi

8:45 - 8:50: PP789: Prevalence and Factors Associated With Non-Adherence to Diabetes Treatment among Adult Patients in Care at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital
Presenter: Enock Kukiriza

8:50 - 9:00: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 09:05

Concurrent Oral Session 7 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigation and Response
Moderator: Dr John Rumunu
Evaluators: Banda Jezreel Dabwitso /Ernest Kondadu Asiedu

9:05 - 9:15: OP134: Investigation d’un cas rare de rage bovine dans une ferme à Loumbila, Burkina Faso, mai 2022
Presenter: Aristide Compaoré

9:15 - 9:25: OP393: Investigation d’une flambée de conjonctivite à l’école de Garsale-Daba, Région de Dikhil/ Djibouti, janvier 2022
Presenter: Abdi Houssein Egueh

9:25 - 9:35: OP454: Evaluation of food poisoning surveillance system in Kirehe District of Eastern Province in Rwanda, October 2022
Presenter: Philbert RUGIRANGOGA

9:35 - 9:45: OP484: Investigation autour d’un phénomène anormal à Kpo-kahankro, district Bouaké Sud, Gbêkê, Côte d’Ivoire, décembre 2022-janvier 2023
Presenter: Jean Louty Diomande

9:45 - 9:55: OP752: Paederus dermatitis (Nairobi fly) outbreak investigation in momona IDP Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia- October 2021
Presenter: Amanuel Solomon

9:55 - 10:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 09:05

Concurrent Oral Session 7 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigation and Response
Moderator: Dr Cecilia Mbae
Evaluators: James Zulu / Magdalene Odikro

9:05 - 9:15: OP287: Investigation of Contagious Bovine Peripneumonia cases in a beef herd in Bougouni, Mali, December 2020
Presenter: Ousmane Boua Togola

9:15 - 9:25: OP293: Investigation des cas suspects de Peste de Petits Ruminants (ovine et caprine) dans le District de Bankilaré, Région de Tillabéri, Niger, janvier 2022
Presenter: Hamissou Inoussa Hassane

9:25 - 9:35: OP470: Perception of Rapid SMS users in Promoting Community Health in Huye district, 2021
Presenter: Kizito Habakurama

9:35 - 9:45: OP517: Investigation des cas de Brucellose dans la région d’Obock, Djibouti, Novembre 2021
Presenter: Oudoum Kamil Aboubaker

9:45 - 9:55: OP882: Gastrointestinal anthrax outbreak investigation in Ibanda District, Southwestern Uganda, August, 2022
Presenter: Patrick King

9:55 - 10:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 09:05

Concurrent Oral Session 7 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigation and Response, Non Communicable Diseases, Injuries and Mental Health
Moderator: Dr Raphael Mbailao
Evaluators: Dr Sherry Johnson / Dr Dora Dadzie

9:05 - 9:15: OP99: Pesticide exposure and associated acute health effects among smallholder farmers in Mbale District, Eastern Uganda, August 2020
Presenter: Elizabeth Muhumuza

9:15 - 9:25: OP142: Spatio–temporal trends of air quality, Kampala City, Uganda, 2020–2022
Presenter: Mackline Ninsiima

9:25 - 9:35: OP215: Etude des facteurs associés à la vaccination contre le Human Papillomavirus chez les filles de 9 à 13 ans scolarisées dans le district sanitaire de Médina Yoro Foulah (Sénégal) en 2022
Presenter: Matar Ndiaye

9:35 - 9:45: OP757: Determination of Dioxin Level in Cattle Hide Processed Using Different Fuel Sources for Human Consumption in Sokoto Central Abattoir, Sokoto, Nigeria
Presenter: Zakariyau Umar

9:45 - 9:55: OP206: Strengthening Capacity at Points of Entry: An Evaluation of the Harmonized Curriculum for the ECOWAS Region
Presenter: Aishat Bukola Usman

9:55 - 10:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 09:05

Concurrent Oral Session 7 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigation and Response, Non Communicable Diseases, Injuries and Mental Health &  Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Moderator: Dr Olivia Namusisi
Evaluators: Doreen Ganahasa / Mbouna Ndiaye  

9:05 - 9:15: OP225: A Journey Towards a Responsive HIV Viral Load Monitoring System in Kenya, 2023
Presenter: Grace Rabut

9:15 - 9:25: OP339: Aspects épidémiologiques et thérapeutiques de la Tuberculose Multi Résistante chez l’enfant à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo, 2017-2022
Presenter: Nicole Muzutie Anshambi

9:25 - 9:35: OP597: Investigation d’une épidémie de rougeole dans le camps de réfugiés de la wilaya de Hodh charghi, Mauritanie, 2023
Presenter: LAM  Mariata

9:35 - 9:45: OP581: Uptake and associated factors of Cervical Cancer Screening Services among Women attending Reproductive and Child Health Clinic in Dodoma Municipal Council, Tanzania from 1st March to 30th April 2022
Presenter: Omary Nassoro

9:45 - 9:55: OP913: Characterizing general population participation in COVID-19 response measures: Liberia population-based SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence study 2023 preliminary findings
Presenter: Faith Kamara Whesseh

9:55 - 10:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 10:10

Tea Break

time iconNovember 9, 2023 10:40

Plenary Session 5: Global Health Security, Non Communicable Diseases, Injuries and Mental Health

Main Auditorium

Moderators: Dr Kip Baggett
Venue: Main Auditorium

10:40 - 11:05: Mobilizing monetary and nonmonetary resources to strengthen health systems in Africa within the challenges of health security
Presenter: Dr Ebere Okereke

11:05 - 11:30: Attaining the Triple Billion-The Role of Healthcare Financing towards Universal Health Coverage
Presenter: Mr Raphael Sekpeb

11:30 - 11:50: Universal Healthcare Coverage Programme in Kenya
Presenter: Dr Daniel Langat

11:50 - 12:10: Africa CDC Strategy for tackling Mental Health Challenges in Africa
Presenter: Dr Abdulaziz Mohammed

12:10 - 13:00: Panel Discussion: Contribution of Women to Public Health in Africa
Presenter: Panelists

speaker headshot Dr Ebere Okereke
Mobilizing monetary and nonmonetary resources to strengthen health systems in Africa within the challenges of health security
speaker headshot Mr Raphael Sekpeb
Director, Innovations & Projects, NHIA, Ghana
speaker headshot Dr Daniel Langat
Universal Healthcare Coverage Programme in Kenya
speaker headshot Dr Abdulaziz Mohammed
Africa CDC Strategy for tackling Mental Health Challenges in Africa
time iconNovember 9, 2023 13:00

Lunch Break

time iconNovember 9, 2023 14:00

Plenary Session 6: One Health and Laboratory Strengthening Initiatives

Main Auditorium

Moderators: Dr Cynthia Baltazaar
Venue: Main Auditorium

14:00 - 14:20: Building a One-Health Workforce for Enhanced Global Health Security
Presenter: Prof William Bazeyo

14:20 - 14:40: Linking Field Epidemiology to Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity-Going Beyond the Cause of Outbreaks to the Intention
Presenter: Prof Elizeus Rutebemberwa

14:40 - 15:00: Global Fund pandemic Preparedness Initiatives
Presenter: Dr David Lowrance

speaker headshot Prof William Bazeyo
Building a One-Health Workforce for Enhanced Global Health Security
speaker headshot Prof Elizeus Rutebemberwa
Linking Field Epidemiology to Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity-Going Beyond the Cause of Outbreaks to the Intention
speaker headshot Dr. Benjamin Park
obal Fund Pandemic Preparedness Initiatives.
time iconNovember 9, 2023 15:10

Concurrent Poster Session 5 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme:  One Health and Climate Change, HIV/TB and Other Opputunitic Infections
Moderator: Dr Seogo Hamadou
Evaluators: Irene Kyamwine / Ben Masira

15:10 - 15:15: PP853: Evaluation du système de surveillance des morsures et de la rage, Direction Préfectorale de l’Elevage de Pita, 2019-2021
Presenter: Mamadou Aliou 2 BAH

15:15 - 15:20: PP261: “Anthrax is not a mysterious disease”: Revelation from an outbreak investigation in Shinyalu, Kakamega County, Kenya, 2021
Presenter: Florence Wanjiru Mugo

15:20 - 15:25: PP477: Retrospective Rabies Exposure Cases analysis -Kicukiro District, Rwanda, 2018-2022
Presenter: Honorine Mutuyimana

15:25 - 15:30: PP497: Analyse des données de surveillance du feu de brousse survenu dans le village de Dakaré, Région de Maradi, Niger, 2021
Presenter: Aboubacar Amadou

15:30 - 15:40: Questions and Answers

15:40 - 15:45: PP246: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la rage dans la préfecture de Faranah, Septembre 2021
Presenter: Abou Sylla

15:45 - 15:50: PP677: Analyse des données de surveillance des urgences sanitaires d’origine environnementale notifiées au Centre Ivoirien antipollution, Côte d’Ivoire, 2018-2022
Presenter: Tana Pélagie ADON

15:50 - 15:55: PP539: Cutaneous human anthrax outbreak investigation in Gogrial West County, Warrap State, South Sudan, April-December 2022
Presenter: John Akol Akol

15:55 - 16:00: PP642: Profil Epidémiologique des animaux mordeurs, mis en observation pour suspicion de Rage, Régions de Nouakchott, 2022
Presenter: Abdi. Sidi

16:00 - 16:10: Questions and Answers

16:10 - 16:15: PP433: Investigation d’un cas de rage canine à Kiffa, Région d’Assaba, Mauritanie, Avril 2022
Presenter: El Yedaly Mohameden HAMED

16:15 - 16:20: PP38: Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des communautés et des prestataires de la santé humaine dans le district sanitaire de Kédougou sur la prévention de la rage en 2022 (Sénégal).
Presenter: Fodé Danfakha

16:20 - 16:25: PP300: Investigation of a confirmed case of human rabies in the health area of Béléko, Fana, Mali, April 2022
Presenter: Youssouf Diawara

16:25 - 16:30: PP107: High Mortality from Clinical Rabies in Tigray during the Prolonged War and Deadly Siege: Call for Action 
Presenter: Afewerki Tesfahunegn Nigusse

16:30 - 16:40: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 15:10

Concurrent Poster Session 5 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme:  HIV/TB and Other Opputunitic Infections, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention and Control
Moderator: Dr. Mohammed A. Vandi
Evaluators: Adama Ndir / Patrick Mavungu

15:10 - 15:15: PP197: Improving Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Screening and Initiation among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Selected Health Facilities, Western Uganda; January-June 2022
Presenter: Patience Mwine

15:15 - 15:20: PP305: Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected tuberculosis control in Sierra Leone? -A retrospective secondary data analysis, 2019 – 2022
Presenter: Josephine Amie Koroma

15:20 - 15:25: PP408: Factors associated with self-discontinuation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Mazowe District, Zimbabwe, 2021
Presenter: Godwin Choga

15:25 - 15:30: PP340: Facteurs Associes a la Suppression de la Charge Virale Chez les Personnes Vivant Avec le Vih Sous un Regime a Base De Dolutegravir Dans la Ville De Kolwezi, Lualaba, Republique Democratique du Congo, Juin 2019 a Juin 2021
Presenter: Christian Kadianda

15:30 - 15:40: Questions and Answers

15:40 - 15:45: PP460: Sero-prevalence of transfusion-transmissible infections among blood donors in Port Loko District Government Hospital, Sierra Leone: 2020-2021
Presenter: Mbaimba Saidu Kamara

15:45 - 15:50: PP700: Achieving Viral Load Suppression Coverage in Rural Eastern Uganda, Kamuli District: an experimental study
Presenter: Tendo Rosette Nalugwa

15:50 - 15:55: PP378: Prevalence and Factors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Among Persons Living with HIV in Six Districts-Zambia, July 2020: A secondary analysis of three concurrent SARS-CoV-2 Prevalence Surveys
Presenter: Stephen Longa Chanda

15:55 - 16:00: PP886: Assessing late presentation for HIV care among men living with HIV enrolled on Antiretroviral Therapy in Eastern Uganda, 2020
Presenter: Sherifah Nabikande

16:00 - 16:10: Questions and Answers

16:10 - 16:15: PP699: Analyse des mesures de surveillance épidémiologique du VIH/SIDA en Guinée-Bissau, de 2014 à 2021
Presenter: Mendes Dias Bawolenca Mariana

16:15 - 16:20: PP599: Evaluation of early infant diagnosis surveillance system in Otjozondjupa region, Namibia 2017- 2021
Presenter: Maria Nuusiku Angala

16:20 - 16:25: PP684: External Quality Assurance of HIV rapid testing in PEPFAR supported sites in Angola
Presenter: Euzália Botelho Tomé

16:25 - 16:30: PP693: Needle-stick and sharps-related injuries among healthcare workers at Kingharman Road Hospital, Sierra Leone, 2023
Presenter: Edward Ellie

16:30 - 16:40: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 15:10

Concurrent Poster Session 5 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme:  HIV/TB and Other Opputunitic Infections, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention and Control
Moderator: Ellen Yard
Evaluators: Erika Rossetto / Patrick Dely

15:10 - 15:15: PP86: Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacterial Isolates, Sana’a city, Yemen 2018-2019
Presenter: Raja Mohammed Al-Haimi

15:15 - 15:20: PP441: Assessing awareness, attitude, and practices of veterinarians towards antimicrobial resistance in Bugesera District of Rwanda-January to February 2023.
Presenter: Sarah Mwera

15:20 - 15:25: PP701: An investigation of an outbreak of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infections in a neonatal intensive care unit at a regional hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, August 2022
Presenter: Andani Ronel Marumo

15:25 - 15:30: PP685: Assessing infection prevention and control governance structures and financing options in Rachuonyo North sub county health facilities, Homa Bay County, Kenya
Presenter: Gabriel Kotewas

15:30 - 15:40: Questions and Answers

15:40 - 15:45: PP278: Evaluation du système de surveillance des décès maternels de juillet 2021 à juin 2022 dans le département du Couffo, Bénin
Presenter: Nestor Sossoukpè

15:45 - 15:50: PP311: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la rougeole dans la zone de santé de N’djili, Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo, 2021 à 2022
Presenter: Fabrice Sewolo Matondo

15:50 - 15:55: PP329: Evaluation of an Electronic Case-based Disease Surveillance System in Karene District, Sierra Leone, 2022
Presenter: Eldred Moore

15:55 - 16:00: PP551: Evaluation of Rotavirus Surveillance System at Kilifi County Hospital-Kenya, 2017-2021
Presenter: Ednah Salat

16:00 - 16:10: Questions and Answers

16:10 - 16:15: PP256: Leveraging the Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance System to Enhance COVID-19 Surveillance in Uganda, 2020
Presenter: Wilbrod Mwanje

16:15 - 16:20: PP330: Evaluation of the Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance system in Southern Province, Zambia, 2020-2022
Presenter: Nangoma Agness Haambote

16:20 - 16:25: PP333: Evaluation of the Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance System in Eastern Province, Zambia, 2020-2022
Presenter: Chriswell Nkoloma

16:25 - 16:30: PP544: Profil épidémiologique de la paralysie flasque aiguë, département des Collines, Bénin, 1er janvier 2016- 04 juillet 2022.
Presenter: Richard Sèfounon

16:30 - 16:40: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 15:10

Concurrent Poster Session 5 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme:  One Health and Climate Change, HIV/TB and Other Opputunitic Infections, and Infection Prevention and Control
Moderator: Dr Amadou jallow
Evaluators: Uzoma Ogbonna / Dr Vincent Mutabazi

15:10 - 15:15: PP128: Coverage and Factors associated with Utilization of Pyrethroid-Piperonyl Butoxide treated nets in a Malaria Endemic Region, Western Kenya
Presenter: Stephen Aricha

15:15 - 15:20: PP479: Référence du paludisme grave et les facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les hôpitaux publics du Littoral au Bénin en 2022
Presenter: Arnaud Wilfried PADONOU

15:20 - 15:25: PP403: Investigation of malaria upsurge in Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in four districts in Eastern Uganda, 2016─2021
Presenter: Alice Asio

15:25 - 15:30: PP490: Référence des cas de paludisme grave et facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans à l’hôpital de zone de Natitingou du 01 avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: Edgard Sotiré N’TCHAGABA

15:30 - 15:40: Questions and Answers

15:40 - 15:45: PP730: Use of community dialogue in malaria control social behavior change intervention among women of Mambai community unit, Vihiga County, Kenya
Presenter: Mercy Lodendwa

15:45 - 15:50: PP494: Référence des cas graves de paludisme et facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans, département des Collines, Bénin, 1er avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: Richard Sèfounon

15:50 - 15:55: PP140: Trends and Distribution of Severe Malaria Cases, Uganda, 2017-2021:  A Descriptive Analysis of the Health Management Information System Data
Presenter: Marie Gorreti Zalwango

15:55 - 16:00: PP529: Référence des cas de paludisme grave et facteurs associés à la létalité chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans dans les hôpitaux du Mono, du 01 avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: Edouard Hountohotègbè

16:00 - 16:10: Questions and Answers

16:10 - 16:15: PP75: Analyse des données de surveillance épidémiologique de la Fièvre Jaune, Burkina Faso 2017à 2021
Presenter: Ferima NIKIEMA

16:15 - 16:20: PP475: Spatial clustering, hotspot analysis and temporal distribution of the 2022 Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Uganda
Presenter: George Paasi

16:20 - 16:25: PP552: Outbreak of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Kyzylorda region, Kazakhstan, March-July 2022
Presenter: Malika Gabdullina

16:25 - 16:30: PP625: Establishing a Mortality Surveillance System to Boost an End to End Process of Case Identification during Sudan Virus Disease Outbreak in Masaka City, Uganda, November 10th to 25th  2022.
Presenter: Maureen Katusiime

16:30 - 16:40: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 16:50

Concurrent Poster Session 6 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-theme:  Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Prof. Patrick Kere Maelo
Evaluators: Nestor Noudeke / Ally Husseni

16:50 - 16:55: PP46: Investigation of Covid-19 outbreak among police barracks of a state guest house, New Delhi, India, 2020
Presenter: Prasoon Sheoran

16:55 - 17:00: PP70: Severe Acute Malnutrition Outbreak Investigation at Dubti District of Awsiresu Zone, Afar Region, North Eastern Ethiopia, 2022
Presenter: Aman Yesuf Endris

17:00 - 17:05: PP756: Outbreak of Influenza (H3N2) in two senior high schools in the Eastern Region, Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Doris Aboagyewaa Edu-Quansah

17:05 - 17:10: PP155: Scabies outbreak investigation in Hoima District, Western Uganda, February–June 2022
Presenter: Rebecca Akunzirwe

17:10 - 17:20: Questions and Answers

17:20 - 17:25: PP186: Respiratory Syncytial Virus outbreak Investigation at Abobo District of Agnuwaak Zone, Gambella Region, Ethiopia, 2021: Unmatched Case-Control Study
Presenter: Bortola Abdisa Ayana

17:25 - 17:30: PP362: Suspected Newcastle Disease Outbreak Investigation in Bukirasaki commune, Burundi, 2023
Presenter: Felix Nimbona

17:30 - 17:35: PP682: Suspected Waterborne Illness Outbreak in Chief Albert Luthuli sub-district, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, December 2022 – February 2023
Presenter: Lethukuthula Zondi

17:35 - 17:40: PP348: An investigation of a suspected foodborne outbreak at a birthday party in Gwembe district - Southern Zambia, January 2023
Presenter: Mapoloko Theresia Moholoholo

17:40 -17:50: Questions and Answers

17:50 - 17:55: PP689: Investigation d’une flambée de Toxi-Infection Alimentaire Collective à Aniansué, District sanitaire d’Abengourou, Côte d’Ivoire, février 2023
Presenter: Pacôme ADONI

17:55 - 18:00: PP810: Investigation de cas de Rougeole à la Polyclinique Arhiba au Quartier 4, Djibouti, Octobre 2022
Presenter: Ibiro Mohamed Hassan

18:00 - 18:05: PP198: Investigation des cas d’envenimation par morsures des serpents dans le district sanitaire de Bessao, Tchad, 2022
Presenter: Albert Fogozia

18:05 - 18:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 16:50

Concurrent Poster Session 6 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-theme:  Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr Nyambe Sinyange
Evaluators: Khuliso Ravhuhali Goodman /Dr Peter Adewuyi

16:50 - 16:55: PP474: Evaluation of Food Poisoning Surveillance System at Rwamagana Provincial Hospital, Rwamagana District, Rwanda, 2017- 2021
Presenter: Theobald GASIGWA

16:55 - 17:00: PP855: Evaluation of malaria outbreak detection methods, Uganda, 2022
Presenter: Marie Gorreti Zalwango

17:00 - 17:05: PP833: Analysis of the Integrated Influenza-Like Illness/Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Covid-19 Surveillance Data in Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Martha Kotey

17:05 - 17:10: PP476: Evaluation système de surveillance de la rougeole dans le Béré, Côte d’Ivoire, novembre 2022
Presenter: Brou Affoua Annicette Sophia

17:10 - 17:20: Questions and Answers

17:20 - 17:25: PP664: Rotavirus Surveillance System Evaluation in Children Under Five, Dar Es Salaam July 2020 – July 2021
Presenter: Mariam Mbwana Ramadhani

17:25 - 17:30: PP847: Evaluation of anaemia in pregnancy surveillance system, Central Region, Ghana - 2022
Presenter: Emma Delali Forley

17:30 - 17:35: PP675: Evaluation du système de surveillance de la rougeole/rubéole dans les régions sanitaires d'Abidjan 1,2 et Grands ponts en Côte d'Ivoire de Janvier à novembre 2022
Presenter: Boris Kévin Okié

17:35 - 17:40: PP868: Assessing the Impact of Africa Field Epidemiology Network Training on Intermediate data analysis and weekly surveillance bulletin, Sierra Leone, 2023: Mixed method study
Presenter: Sorie Bundu Conteh

17:40 -17:50: Questions and Answers

Presenter: Fresnovie Géladore MBELE

17:55 - 18:00: PP136: Investigation d’une flambée de Fièvre Aphteuse à Nambé, commune de Koubri, Burkina Faso, Octobre 2022
Presenter: Relwendé Urbain OUEDRAOGO

18:00 - 18:05: PP200: Investigation sur la mortinatalité à l’hôpital de district de Ngouri/lac Tchad, 2022
Presenter: Marius MADJISSEM

18:05 - 18:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 16:50

Concurrent Poster Session 6 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-theme:  Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Suzanne Kiwanuka
Evaluators: Hetani Mdose / Joseph Magoola 

16:50 - 16:55: PP359: Profil épidémiologique de la rougeole dans le département du Mono, Bénin, de janvier 2016 à juin 2022
Presenter: Edouard Hountohotègbè

16:55 - 17:00: PP405: Profil épidémiologique des paralysies flasques aiguës et des poliomyélites dérives du vaccin au cours de l’épidémie dans la Zone de Santé de Nyunzu en 2022
Presenter: Mounier BULABA

17:00 - 17:05: PP812: Profil sanitaire des élèves des écoles primaires de régions sanitaires, Djibouti, Décembre     2021- Mai 2022
Presenter: Ahmed Said Salem

17:05 - 17:10: PP850: Profil épidémiologique de la COVID-19, district sanitaire de Boké, 29 Mars 2020 au 31 Décembre 2021
Presenter: Lanciné Keita

17:10 - 17:20: Questions and Answers

17:20 - 17:25: PP814: Investigation de cas de COVID-19, Région Sanitaire de Tadjourah, Djibouti, Janvier 2022
Presenter: Adake Mohamed Adake

17:25 - 17:30: PP851: Investigation de cluster de Covid-19 à l’hôpital préfectoral de Fria, Guinée, Janvier 2022
Presenter: Abdourahmane BALDE1

17:30 - 17:35: PP346: Investigation des cas de rougeole au CS Croix Rouge, zone de santé de Lubilanji, province du Kasaï Oriental, République Démocratique du Congo, Septembre 2022
Presenter: Philippe Kasonga Kazadi

17:35 - 17:40: PP695: Investigation D’un Cas de Paralysie Flasque Aigue Confirme CVDPV2 Dans le District Sanitaire de Bangui 2, Republique Centrafricaine, Decembre 2022
Presenter: Aubin Ngbéadégo-Soukoudoupou

17:40 -17:50: Questions and Answers

17:50 - 17:55: PP270: Facteurs associés à la flambée de rougeole, sous-préfecture de Ninguélandé, district Pita, Guinée, décembre 2021 : étude de cohorte rétrospective
Presenter: Thierno Bassirou Baldé

17:55 - 18:00: PP714: Facteurs associés à la survenue des épidémies de rougeole dans le district sanitaire de Keur Massar (Sénégal) en 2022
Presenter: Amady BA

18:00 - 18:05: PP8: Associated factors of immunization status among nomadic children under five in two districts in the Volta Region, Ghana, March 2023
Presenter: Amatus Nambagyira

18:05 - 18:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 16:50

Concurrent Poster Session 6 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-theme:  Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr Sheba Gitta
Evaluators: Ernest Kateule / Rebeca Kinde

16:50 - 16:55: PP411:  Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of COVID-19 Deaths in Kadoma City, Zimbabwe, September 2020-August 2021: A Secondary Data Analysis
Presenter: Derek Masokovere

16:55 - 17:00: PP681: Quality assessment of SARS-CoV-2 testing in key Angola laboratories by an external quality assurance program in 2021-2022
Presenter: Ana Sofia Pinheiro

17:00 - 17:05: PP710: Association between SARS-CoV-2 gene specific Ct values and clinical outcomes
Presenter: Mpho Lerato Sikhosana

17:05 - 17:10: PP872: A comparison of hospitalised and non-hospitalised patients in 3 waves of Covid-19, from March 2020 to March 2022 in Uganda
Presenter: Petranilla Nakamya

17:10 - 17:20: Questions and Answers

17:20 - 17:25: PP24: Analysis of Community-Led Total Sanitation Surveillance Data in Central Region, Ghana 2022
Presenter: Okyere Derrick

17:25 - 17:30: PP91: Health Problems among Children Enrolled for Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses, Yemen 2020
Presenter: Abdullah Hassan Al-Gufli

17:30 - 17:35: PP116:  A Discrete Choice Experiment to Predict Factors Associated with Enrollment to a National Health Insurance Scheme in Kampala District, Uganda
Presenter: Deborah Aujo

17:35 - 17:40: PP129: The effect of a pilot universal health coverage program on hospital workload: A comparative study of Embu and Nyeri Counties in Kenya
Presenter: John Njuguna

17:40 -17:50: Questions and Answers

17:50 - 17:55: PP390: Investigation de cas de leishmaniose viscérale, à l’Hôpital Cheicko, Djibouti, Janvier 2022
Presenter: Mohamed Abdi Ali

17:55 - 18:00: PP576: Retrospective Analysis of the Incidence of Leptospirosis in the Five Regional Hospitals in Mauritius from 2017 – 2022
Presenter: Nilesh Gopaul

18:00 - 18:05: PP806: Spatial Distribution and Risk Factors associated with Buruli Ulcer Disease in Four Endemic Districts of Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Mawuli Gohoho

18:05 - 18:15: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 9, 2023 19:00

International Night: “A Blue and White Affair.”

Venue: PrideInn Paradise Hotel and Spa Pavillion

Host: DJ Lenium and Daniel ‘Churchill’ Ndambuki

The International night will focus on showcases of talent, heritage and national pride. The highlight of this evening will be the different performances from the program and visiting countries which will inform, educate and entertain the delegates. Hosted by Kenyan comedy legend, Churchill along with dynamic DJ Lenium, the evening promises an unforgettable celebration of our global family.

The theme for the evening is “A Blue and White Affair;” delegates are requested to carry along blue and white themed outfits for the celebrations.

time iconNovember 10, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 7 : Room 1

Room 1

Sub-Theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr. Donne Ameme
Evaluators: Daniel Kadobera / Lydia Nakiire

8:00 - 8:05: PP210: Facteurs associés aux lésions précancéreuses du col de l’utérus chez les femmes dépistées dans la région de Diourbel en 2022
Presenter: Moussa Ndiaye

8:05 - 8:10: PP291: Assessment of Undernutrition in Children aged 6 to 59 months enrolled at Doldol Subcounty Hospital Nutrition Clinic, Laikipia County, 2019 - 2023
Presenter: David Mwangi Kariuki

8:10 - 8:15: PP294: Facteurs associés au décès des nouveau-nés de faible poids de naissance au centre hospitalier universitaire de Tengandogo, Burkina Faso, 2013-2017
Presenter: Yewayan Berenger KABORE

8:15 - 8:20: PP654: Descriptive Analysis of Neonatal Tetanus Surveillance System in Central Region of Ghana, 2022
Presenter: Selassie Kennedy Kofitse

8:20 - 8:30: Question and Answer

8:30 - 8:35: PP764: Prevalence and risk factors of Hepatitis B Virus Infection among women attending Antenatal Clinic in tertiary health facilities; Adamawa State, Nigeria August 2022-Febuary 2023
Presenter: Adamu Ali Bukar

8:35 - 8:40: PP627: Factors associated with Malaria in regions implementing case-based surveillance in Tanzania from August 2021 to May 2022
Presenter: Hillary Raphael Sebukoto

8:40 - 8:45: PP413: Recent HIV infections among newly diagnosed HIV positive clients, Harare City, Zimbabwe, January 2021 - June 2022: A Secondary Data  Analysis
Presenter: Theresa Hamutyinei-Dhliwayo

8:45 - 8:50:

8:50 - 9:00: Question and Answer

time iconNovember 10, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 7 : Room 2

Room 2

Sub-Theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr tatek Bogale
Evaluators: Nunga / Mamadou Sarifou Ba

8:00 - 8:05: PP234: L’analyse des causes profondes de la flambée de rougeole dans la préfecture de Mandiana, Octobre 2022
Presenter:Moussa Doumbouya

8:05 - 8:10: PP242: Investigation of cases of serpiginous dermatitis in a paramilitary training institution: Mozambique, November-December 2022
Presenter: Angélica Tomás Sotomane

8:10 - 8:15: PP667: Investigation d’un épisode d’intoxication alimentaire collective, district Miandrivazo, Région Menabe, Madagascar 2023
Presenter: Mahafaly Zafitiana HARIJAONA

8:15 - 8:20: PP826: Etude des Caractéristiques épidémiologiques des cas de paludisme grave chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans référés des centres de santé vers les hôpitaux publics du Bénin du 1er avril au 31 octobre 2022
Presenter: Tognissè Edgar Raoul Assogbakpè

8:20 - 8:30: Question and Answer

8:30 - 8:35: PP841: Toxi-infection alimentaire collective à Bondoukou, Côte d’Ivoire, Janvier 2023
Presenter: Abissey Charles ABOLOU

8:35 - 8:40: PP870: Improving HIV oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) initiation among high-risk pregnant and breastfeeding women using continuous quality improvement approach at Katakwi General Hospital, Eastern Uganda, May-October, 2022
Presenter: Sarah Elayeete

8:40 - 8:45: PP514: Reporting System Evaluation for HIV Counseling and Testing, National AIDS Control Program Sana’a city, Yemen 2022
Presenter: Fathi Ahmed Abdullah

8:45 - 8:50

8:50 - 9:00: Question and Answer

time iconNovember 10, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 7 : Room 3

Room 3

Sub-Theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Julie Haris
Evaluators: Dr Moreen Kamateeka /Dr Donne Ameme

8:00 - 8:05: PP138: Rapid health assessment in the refugee host communities in Kisoro District, South Western Uganda, June–July 2022
Presenter: Brenda Nakafeero Simbwa

8:05 - 8:10: PP838: Hand hygiene practices among staff and students of School of Public Health, University of Ghana, Accra, 2022
Presenter: Doris Aboagyewaa Edu-Quansah

8:10 - 8:15: PP173: Evaluation of anti-Salmonella activity and acute toxicity of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) seed oil
Presenter: Marie Paule Yede

8:15 - 8:20: PP586: Occurrence of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Clinical Samples at Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, 2022: A Hospital Based Study.
Presenter: Ebrima Barrow

8:20 - 8:30: Question and Answer

8:30 - 8:35: PP277: “The right equipment, sundries … alone gives me a reason to go and work” Health workforce incentives and dis-incentives during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences from four African countries
Presenter: Suzanne Namusoke Kiwanuka

8:35 - 8:40: PP25: Progress on Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme (FELTP) in ECOWAS region: lessons learnt from COVID-19 pandemic response
Presenter: Marianne  Comlan

8:40 - 8:45: PP4:  Implementation of Event-Based Surveillance Systems in West Africa: Challenges
Presenter:Lionel Solété Sogbossi

8:45 - 8:50: PP673: Contribution of Community Health Workers to the Poliomyelitis Surveillance in Insecurity Settings in four Sub-Saharan African countries: Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo and Niger, August 2020 – July 2022
Presenter: Agballa Mébiny-Essoh Tchalla Abalo

8:50 - 9:00: Question and Answer

time iconNovember 10, 2023 08:00

Concurrent Poster Session 7 : Room 4

Room 4

Sub-Theme: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Surveillance Outbreak Investigations and Response
Moderator: Dr Notion Gombe
Evaluators: Khuliso Ravhuhali Goodman / Dr Gebru Negash

8:00 - 8:05: PP421: Profil épidémiologique des cas de tentative de suicide et les facteurs associés aux décès au Centre Hospitalier Régional de Dapaong, Togo de 2018 -2022
Presenter: Komlan Aziamadji

8:05 - 8:10: PP788: Effect of high impact videos/targeted communication on blood donation awareness and practices
Presenter: Angela Nakanwagi Kisakye

8:10 - 8:15: PP590:  Incidence of Snakebite, North Bank West Region, The Gambia, 2017 – 2021
Presenter: Modou Kebba Omar Njie

8:15 - 8:20: PP175: Determinants of Podoconiosis among residents in Machakel District, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara, Ethiopia 2022
Presenter: Teshome Tefera Lingerhe

8:20 - 8:30: Question and Answer  

8:30 - 8:35: PP423: Investigation de Mortalités Massives de Volailles dans le Village de Solimbia, Commune de Kaboli en Fevrier 2022
Presenter: Yanissou DJOBO

8:35 - 8:40: PP632: Etats des lieux du Programme de Formation en Epidémiologie et Laboratoire de Terrain du Burkina et Perspectives, Afrique de l’Ouest, 2010-2022
Presenter: Pauline Kiswendsida Yanogo

8:40 - 8:45:

8:45 - 8:50:

8:50 - 9:00: Question and Answer

time iconNovember 10, 2023 09:00

Plenary Session 7

Main Auditorium

Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Resistance
Moderators: Dr Lazarus Kuonza
Venue: Main Auditorium

9:00 - 9:20: Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Africa
Presenter: Prof Revathi Gunturu

9:20 - 9:40: Confronting the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Progress and Prospects
Presenter: Prof Nicholas Meda

9:40 - 10:00: Global Health Emergency Corps
Presenter: Dr Valarie Nkamgang Bemo

speaker headshot Prof Revathi Gunturu
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Africa
speaker headshot Prof Nicholas Meda
Confronting the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Progress and Prospects
speaker headshot Dr Valarie Nkamgang Bemo
Global Health Emergency Corps
time iconNovember 10, 2023 10:00

Tea Break

time iconNovember 10, 2023 10:30

Plenary Session 8

Main Auditorium

Strengthening Public Health Initiatives in Africa
Moderators: Dr Dieudonne Mwanba Kazadi
Venue: Main Auditorium

10:30 - 10:50: Vaccine and Diagnositics Manufacturing in Africa: Progress, Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward
Presenter: Ms Akhona Tshangela

10:50 - 11:10: Digitalization in Healthcare Service
Presenter: Mr Steven Wanyee Macharia

speaker headshot Ms Akhona Tshangela
Vaccine and Diagnositics Manufacturing in Africa: Progress, Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward
speaker headshot Mr Steven Wanyee Macharia
Digitalization in Healthcare Service
time iconNovember 10, 2023 11:10

Late Breaker Presentations

Sub-Theme: Cross Cutting
Moderator: Dr Nyambe Sinyange
Venue: Main Auditorium

11:10 - 11:20: OP902: Qualitative insights on barriers to receiving a second dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV2), Oromia Region of Ethiopia
Presenter: Kalkidan Solomon Deribe

11:20 - 11:30: OP928: Investigation d’un cas de Paralysie Flasque Aiguë, district Ikongo, Madagascar, août 2023
Presenter: Andrindraibe Nantenaina Désiré HANITRINIAINA

11:30 - 11:40: OP915: Evaluating the effectiveness of a mentorship programme in improving infection prevention and control standards at the primary healthcare level in Nigeria
Presenter: Aisha Sani Faruk

11:40 - 11:50: OP909: Implementing a hospital-based sentinel site surveillance for adverse events of special interest following COVID-19 vaccination, Uganda (HBSS_UG)
Presenter: Stephen Pande Legesi

11:50 - 12:00: OP904: Investigation of a protracted malaria outbreak in Upper Muzarabani, Centenary District, Zimbabwe, 2023
Presenter: Nathan Chiboyiwa

12:00 - 12:10: Questions and Answers

time iconNovember 10, 2023 13:00

Lunch Break

time iconNovember 10, 2023 14:00

Closing Ceremony and Presentation of Awards

JIEPH 5th Annivesary, Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony

Dr Ditu Kazembe / Dr Fredrick Odhiambo / Dr Sheba Gitta

All delegates are requested to wear their AFENET tshirts (included in the conference bags given at registration) for the conference closing ceremony on 10th November 2023. 

Prepare to be inspired and empowered at the upcoming 8th AFENET Scientific Conference, set to ignite your mind from November 5th to 10th, 2023. Among the many captivating discussions and sessions, the spotlight will shine brightly on the Women's Panel, where remarkable individuals will share their stories, ideas, and visions. Be part of this vibrant celebration of diversity, as we explore the limitless potential of women in the field of public health and epidemiology. Don't miss the chance to be a part of this dynamic and thought-provoking event!




Dealing with Malaria Challenges in Africa-Prospects for Elimination


Building a One-Health Workforce for Enhanced Global Health Security

Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

Founder & CEO Conservation Through Public Health
Fostering Conservation and Community Health Synergy

Dr. Rebecca Kinde

Resident Advisor, Togo Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)
Strengthening Health Systems for a Resilient Togo

Prof Elizeus Rutebemberwa

Linking Field Epidemiology to Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity-Going Beyond the Cause of Outbreaks to the Intention

Associate Prof Placide Mbala-Kingebeni

Associate Professor at the University of Kinshasa, School of Medicine, the Head of the Epidemiology and Global Health Division and Director of the Clinical Research Center at the National Institute of Biomedical Research
Overview of Research Studies Conducted on Monkey Pox in the DRC

Dr Raji Tajudeen

Building a Fit-for-Purpose Public Health Workforce to Counter the Next Public Health Threat

Dr. Ebere Okereke

CEO Africa Public Health Foundation
Pioneering Public Health Transformation in Africa

Dr. Endie Waziri

National Coordinator at the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), Nigeria
Catalyzing Epidemic Preparedness through African Collaboration

Dr. Cynthia Sema

Program Director - Mozambique Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)
Navigating Health Challenges and Innovations in Mozambique

Dr Abdulaziz Mohammed

Africa CDC’s Strategy for Tackling Mental Health Challenges in Africa

Dr Gina Samaan

WHO-Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threat initiative (PRET)

Prof Scott JN McNabb

Research Professor at Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta Georgia, USA and Principal Investigator Africa CDC Institute for Workforce Development
Modernizing Global Health Security to Prevent, Detect and Respond

Dr Sheba Gitta.

Managing Editor - Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health (JIEPH)


Medical Epidemiologist with Global Public Health Solutions
Reflecting on surveillance frameworks and tools to address future epidemics

Ms. Akhona Tshangela

Trained field epidemiologist working in the laboratory
Vaccine and Diagnostics Manufacturing in Africa: Progress, Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward


Professor of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) expert
Strengthening IPC in African Health Systems towards Global Health Security

Tyler Porth

Principal Technical Advisor for the 7-1-7 Alliance Secretariat at Resolve to Save Lives
Accelerating Progress to Meet the 7-1-7 Target for Outbreak Detection and Control in Africa


Chief of the U.S. CDC’s Workforce and Institute Development Branch
Sustaining the gains of Field Epidemiology for Enhanced Global Health Security

Prof. Nicolas Meda, MD, PhD, HDR

Medical Epidemiologist, Professor of Public Health, Senior Health Research Scientist, former Minister of Health, former Special Advisor to the President of Burkina Faso in charge of human capital development portfolio. Executive Director, Centre of Innovation for Development, Burkina Faso
Confronting the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Progress and Prospects

Prof Kariuki Njenga

Professor at the Washington State University (WSU) Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health
Emerging Infectious Diseases in East and Southern Africa

Dr Valerie Nkamgang Bemo

Deputy Director Global Development Office of the President at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
Global Health Emergency Corps

Dr Carl Reddy

MB. ChB, FCPHM, M.Sc. (Epi) has been the Director of the Training Programs in Epidemiology
The New Global Field Epidemiology Partnership and Its Strategy

Dr. Bernard Kipkoech Langat

Public health and M&E expert with extensive experience in programme management
Universal Healthcare Coverage Programme in Kenya

Prof Revathi Gunturu

Associate Professor Microbiology/Consultant Microbiologist and the section head of Microbiology at Aga Khan University in Nairobi
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Africa

Steven Wanyee Macharia

Digital health specialist with over 25 years experience

Dr. Kerton R. Victory

West Africa Regional Advisor for Global Health Security in CDC’s Global Health Center (GHC), Division of Global Health Protection (DGHP)
Global Health Security Agenda in the Post-Covid-19 Era

Prof Kariuki Njenga

Professor at the Washington State University (WSU) Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health
Emerging Infectious Diseases in East and Southern Africa

Raphael Yelfoglo Segkpeb

Director, Innovations & Projects, NHIA, Ghana

Dr Penina Munyua

Public health specialist at US CDC's Global health Center
CDC's efforts towards GHC strengthening in Kenya

Dr. Benjamin Park

lobal Fund’s Senior Specialist on Infection Prevention and Control and Antimicrobial Resistance
Global Fund Pandemic Preparedness Initiatives.

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